commodoreHUSTLE 027 - Mustache You a Question
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This video page on LoadingReadyRun links to a video formerly hosted on the Escapist. The video has not been officially reposted to an alternate host, and is currently unavailable on primary hosts. | |||
Sometimes a mustache is not cool.
Vital Statistics
Date: June 25, 2012
Category: commodoreHUSTLE
Appearing: Graham Stark, James Turner, Paul Saunders, Matt Wiggins, Kathleen De Vere
Writing: Graham Stark
Camera: James Turner, Graham Stark
Boom: Matt Wiggins, Kathleen De Vere
Edited by: Graham Stark
After years of wearing false mustaches for videos, James is persuaded to grow a real one. Meanwhile, the crew are distracted by iPhone games and Reddit, and Paul decides to take action.
Archive On Secondary Host
This video is offline from all primary LRR hosts, but is available on at this link.