commodoreHUSTLE 037 - Alex's Stream
The crew is taking to streaming very well, and Alex is taking to it maybe a little TOO well.
Vital Statistics

Date: June 30, 2014
Category: commodoreHUSTLE
Appearing: Kathleen De Vere, Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, James Turner, Cameron Lauder, Brendan "Beej" Dery, Alex Steacy
Writing: Graham Stark, Kathleen De Vere
Camera: Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, James Turner
Beejoom: Brendan "Beej" Dery
Music: Bradley Rains
Edited by: Graham Stark, Kathleen De Vere
Executive Producers: Andrew "Omega Lairon" Paye, Rachel Bradford and Christian "Imat" Johnson
It's Thursday morning and James is excited to stream some Minecraft. However, when he gets to the streaming office, he discovers that Alex is already in there, and has been streaming since the previous evening. However, when James tries to get him to leave, he discovers that Alex cannot be removed, and hisses when James attempts to take his seat.
When the rest of the crew shows up later that day, they discover that Alex has been streaming continuously for over 24 hours, including alongside Kathleen during her stream. Concerned for Alex' health and the condition of the streaming office should they forcibly try to remove him, the crew makes various ineffectual efforts to tear Alex away from the stream. Graham tries to be stern and fatherly, Beej tries to distract him with the dance of the seven veils, and Cameron attempts to shame him in the manner of an old-school disciplinarian.
Kathleen suggests that they bring Alex so much coffee that he needs to take a toilet break, which they take advantage of by locking him in the bathroom and forcing him to go cold turkey. After four harrowing minutes, Alex is clean of his addiction, but Graham still has to tell him repeatedly to go home.
Instead of a stinger, the video concludes with Graham and Kathleen advertising LoadingReadyRun Streams.
- The whiteboard includes a grotesque drawing of a witch commanding someone to "Acquire legacy foils".
- After seeing the bathroom floor in the video, Serge voluntarily came in and mopped.