commodoreHUSTLE 013 - Matt Gets His Groove
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Vital Statistics
Date: December 7, 2009
Category: commodoreHUSTLE
Appearing: Matt Wiggins, Graham Stark, James Turner, Jeremy Petter, Tally Heilke, Paul Saunders, Morgan vanHumbeck, Megan Palandri
Writing: Graham Stark
Camera: Paul Saunders, James Turner, Graham Stark
Edited by: Graham Stark
Matt decides to take his life in a new direction, giving up his former obsessions and moving out of the apartment he had previously shared with Graham.
- In the previous podcast, the crew explains that, as announced during Desert Bus 2009, LRR shorts will be hosted on the Escapist Magazine instead of Loadingreadyrun. As a result, they explained, cHUSTLE will be slightly altered, to avoid baffling or intimidating potential fans from the Escapist. This video is the first in the new format.
- The video's title does not contain "CommodoreHUSTLE".
- It is much shorter than earlier commodoreHUSTLE videos.
- Nods to continuity and other fanservice are made approachable (more so than usual).
- References to past videos include:
- The cold open is an inversion of the one from Laundry, which was also a season opener.
- Graham doesn't want to move in with Morgan due to his treatment of kitchenware, depicted in Moving Out.
- Matt's resentment against Blu-Ray comes from Format War.
- Matt plans to give Paul his PS3, even though he has one already, mentioning that if he got another he'd have three.
- Previously, Graham's LRR forum avatar came from this episode: a looping .gif of himself devouring the muffin and rubbing it into his face, with "NOM NOM NOM" crawling past.