AskLRR August 2019 - Comedy Inspirations

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The first episode of the new AskLRR (YouTube Membership Exclusive).

Vital Statistics

Date: August 24, 2019

Category: AskLRR

Appearing: Graham Stark, Cameron Lauder, Ian Horner

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Produced by: Heather Dery

Description: Graham, Ian, and Cameron are here with the first installment of the new askLRR, answering questions from YouTube members! Who do we want to see in Picard? What’s our 3rd fav shape of sandwich? Find out!


Biggest delay to Road Quest

DayBreakKing asks: What has been the biggest delay in Road Quest's development?

  • Graham: Plans did not work out - the Crew were busy with other things, which took time away from their work on the mountain of footage.

Fun with Microwaves 3

Ken Johnson asks: Fun with Microwaves 3 when?

  • Graham: May 7th 2012. I don't know that we have plans to do a fourth.
  • Ian: I think Fun with Microwaves 4 might just be the roll-out of 5G across America.
  • Cameron: "Weird, my weather app isn't working, but I can download it really fast now."

Comedy inspirations

Drummi asks: Who are your top 3 most influential comedians?

First internet activities

Pär Moberg asks: What is the first thing you remember doing on Internet? Chat, visit a specific website, that kind of thing.

  • Cameron: Going to an internet café and looking up a walkthrough for Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar, which had just been ported to the Nintendo Entertainment System.
  • Graham: At a friend's house looking up a walkthrough for Final Fantasy VII (probably), as his family didn't have internet yet.
  • Ian: First saw The Internet at Edmonton Advanced Research Park. First used The Internet to download a web browser with an FTP client.

Games you'd like to see re-made

Tamsin asks: With FFVII being my favorite game, the upcoming Remake is my most anticipated game of all time. If each of you could pick a game to get a similar big-budget, high-effort remake treatment, what would it be and why?

Favourite LRR character

abaraiRenji3 asks: What is your favorite character that you've made for a sketch/show with LRR?

Star Trek: Picard characters

Harold Price asks: What character (that hasn't already been announced/confirmed) would you like to see show up on Star Trek: Picard?

Emotional recharge methods

Michael M asks: LRR is a beacon of positivity in an often troubling world. What are some ways you recharge your emotional reservoirs?

Sitting quietly and not talking to anybody.

  • Graham sits very quietly and plays Magic: Arena or watches long YouTube videos
  • Ian sits on a slightly shaded bench near a waterfall in Beacon Hill Park, eating lunch while listening to an audiobook and watching the ducks
  • Cameron goes out of his house to a pub, restaurant or coffee shop to read a book

Preparation differences between on- and off-screen Game Master-ing

Bryan Appley asks: Cam: do you Gm RPGs outside of LRR? If so what differences are there in your preparation process for a home game and for a streamed game?

  • Cameron : Yes, running or playing every week for a decade, but not since moving to Victoria. LRR has a stream slot for 2 to 2½ hours and things have to happen, so there's a lot more prep to ensure particular things happen in a session. A home game would mean spending 4 or 5 hours with his friends, with the players having more freedom over what happens.

Third-favourite sandwich shape

Phillip Bradbury asks: Now that the YT Memberships system is introducing a bunch more people to the paying-LRR-money community, and taking into account the relative populations of Twitch and Patreon, what is your third-favourite sandwich shape?

  • Cameron: Burrito (first: Crusty Bun-wich)
  • Graham: Uncut (first: Large Triangles, second: Smaller Triangles)
  • Ian: Open-faced (first Burrito, second: Uncut)
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