Uwe Boll: An Apology

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This video link for this video on LoadingReadyRun is a Quicktime format file hosted on LRR. This was LRR's primary form of video hosting from 2003 to 2006, before the emergence of Revver, Blip or LRR's primary use of Youtube. Most modern browsers no longer support playing Quicktime videos. The video can be downloaded from the main page.

We were recently contacted by Mr. Boll's lawyers regarding our video, PSA: Uwe Boll. We hope that this new video will address their concerns and clarify our position on this controversial director. 'Fooled you'!

Vital Statistics

Uwe Boll: An Apology

Date: March 31, 2006

Category: Other

Appearing: Paul Saunders, Matt Wiggins, Jeremy Petter, Graham Stark

Writing: Paul Saunders

Edited by: Graham Stark

Location: Matt's Basement


LRR makes amends for its horrible slander of Uwe Boll in an earlier video.


Season Three     Other

◀ ●∙∙∙Snakes on the Brain     Shake Your Hands ∙∙∙● ▶
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