Friday Nights: Monarch
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Revision as of 14:36, 29 April 2018 by BlueTrebol (talk | contribs) (Added picture and list of LRR Monarchs)
Whoever wears the crown makes the rules. And gets the donuts.
Vital Statistics
Date: August 26, 2016
Category: Friday Nights
Appearing: Kathleen De Vere, Cameron Lauder, Paul Saunders, Graham Stark, Alex Steacy, James Turner with Rich Hagon (voice), Brendan "Beej" Dery
Writing: Graham Stark, Kathleen De Vere
Camera: Graham Stark, James Turner, Paul Saunders
Boom: Brendan "Beej" Dery, Cameron Lauder
Music: Bradley Rains
Edited by: Graham Stark
Thanks To: Trick Jarrett, Andrew Ferguson, Yellowjacket Comics
- List of the Loading Ready Run monarchs:
- Cameron the Magnificent / Cameron the Tyrant
- Alex the Sneaky / Alex the Unready
- Paul the Shrewd / Paul the Humble
- Queen Kathleen the Black
- Alex the Stoked
- Graham the Tall
- Paul the Resurgent
- Cameron the Vengeant / Cameron the Tired
- Alex the "I will Jund you if you take this crown again" / Alex the Forgetful
- Beej the Unincluded
- Cameron the Triumphant
- Graham the Tall II
- James the Retired Champion
- Paul of the Stupid Hat