Decadent Sports League

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What do you do when you've got too much money for golf and cricket?

Vital Statistics


Date: November 8, 2010

Category: Shorts

Appearing: James Turner, Matt Wiggins, Alex Steacy, Kathleen De Vere, Jeremy Petter, Paul Saunders, Graham Stark, Raymond Steacy, Morgan vanHumbeck (voice)

Writing: Paul Saunders

Camera: Graham Stark, Raymond Steacy

Boom: Paul Saunders

Edited by: Graham Stark

Thanks To: Oak Bay Rec Centre


For those with enough money to buy countries - just so those countries can mint large denomination notes for cigar lighting - there is the Decadent Sports League Championship. Events include Space Shuttle Racing, Indentured Servant Chess, Freestyle Employee Berate, Endangered Species Water Polo, Fabergé Egg Putt, and Diamond Skeet Shooting.


  • There are a few references to Poker Before Dusk including the name Franklin Elway.
  • Parts of this video were shot in the McKinnon building at UVic.
  • A few real and fictitious billionaires are competing including Mr Burns from The Simpsons and John D. Rockefeller.
  • The pool is the same as in Split Decision.
  • Kathleen and an unknown actor do not survive.
Season Seven     Shorts

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