Bonus Videos

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A Bonus Video is the designation given to any video not part of a weekly or otherwise formally established series. These are sometimes part of their own series (On The Run) or standalone videos (Green Noon, Super Secret Surprise).

Most video series formerly called 'bonus videos' have been categorized as their own series, such as the Iron Stomach Challenge and Loading Time. Older Loading Times before it became a bonus feature at the Escapist are still classified as Bonus videos.

A few updates that are technically "bonus videos" have been released and categorized as official LoadingReadyRun updates (The Superintendent's Sorrow).

The Season 1 designation Plugs and The Whatever Thing have been retroactively categorized as Bonus Videos.

Title Appearing Date
Real Life Mario Cart Vancouver February 25, 2019
We try to run the Mario Kart Tour "Vancouver Velocity" track, in real life... at least, everywhere a car is allowed.
Canadian Highlander Points Update Feb 2020 February 25, 2019

Did Game Freak Pick the Right Pokémon? Heather Dery, Graham Stark, Ben Ulmer February 8, 2019
Graham is joined by the Moonbase's Pokémon experts Heather and Ben, to decide if Game Freak chose the best Pokémon to include in Sword & Shield. We will not be taking further questions.
LRRMTG Bonus - Interview with Sr. Game Designer Gavin Verhey January 19, 2019
Sponsored by Wizards of the Coast.
ROAD QUEST — Announcement/Pilot April 27, 2018
We hope you enjoy this pilot / tech test / announcement, for a new show we're producing!
LRRMTG UN3 Bonus Game December 14, 2017
Brought to you by Wizards of the Coast.
It’s time for a BONUS game from Wedge & our own Ben Ulmer!
Unstable PPR Recap 2 Graham, Cameron, Wedge and Serge December 12, 2017
Brought to you by Wizards of the Coast.
Our second "pod" of recappers, Graham, Cameron, Wedge, and Serge, talk through some of their favourite moments from the Unstable PPR!
Unstable PPR Recap 1 Kathleen, Adam, Meghan and Maria December 12, 2017
Brought to you by Wizards of the Coast.
Kathleen and Adam are joined by Meghan & Maria from Magic the Amateuring to recap the Unstable PPR!
Interview with Mark Rosewater - MTG Unstable December 11, 2017
This video brought to you by Wizards of the Coast–Unstable is available now at your local game store!
Lead Designer and #1 fan of MTG's new comedy expansion, Mark Rosewater talks about Unstable.
Art of Amonkhet June 23, 2017
A closer look at some of the art and lore of the Magic plane of Amonkhet, brought to you by Viz Media. (Sponsored video)
NERF MOONBASE BATTLEGROUNDS Graham, Serge, Kathleen, Ian, Cori, Ben, Beej, Alex and Ben June 11, 2017
What ELSE were we going to do with an empty building, our current obsession with PUBG, and all these Nerf guns?
Who The Hell? - Avatar Aang Ben (voice) May 22, 2017
Begineering is back to tell you all about them fire boys and water folks and... arrow kids? It's Aang!
Who The Hell? - Ash Ketchum Ben (voice) May 5, 2017
Heya folks! Bengineering is here to tell you all about everyone's favourite Pokémon boy, Ash Ketchum!
Who The Hell? - Jean-Luc Picard Ben (voice) April 15, 2017
Begineering is back to tell you all about Captain Jean-Luc Picard!
Who The Hell? - Batman Ben (voice) March 30, 2017
In this new semi-regular show, your pal Bengineering explains everything you might need to know about some kind of thing people like. In this episode, who the hell is Batman?
Nintendo Switch Midnight Launch Gibb March 3, 2017
Gibb interviews people who are waiting for the new Nintendo Switcher (and a random dumpster diver).
Alex & Ben Play RE:7 - LRR Stream Clips Alex and Ben February 16, 2017
A highlight montage of Alex and Ben playing Resident Evil 7: biohazard!
Graham & Alex Play RE:7 - LRR Stream Clips Graham and Alex January 25, 2017
An experiment! Here's a highlight montage of Graham & Alex playing Resident Evil 7: biohazard on our NEW DAY TEWSDAY stream.
2600 Dollar Crokinole Board December 12, 2016
We go to the 2016 Child's Play Charity Dinner!
PAX West 2016 - LRR Panel September 30, 2016
The LoadingReadyRun panel at PAX West 2016, we write a Crapshot and do Q&A!
PAX West 2016 - The Improv Initiative September 13, 2016
Graham, Beej, and Ian join Dan Emmons and Greg Stackhouse for the return of THE IMPROV INITIATIVE!
Snuck Onto the Catwalk September 10, 2016
Graham went down to PAX early and saw the amazing setup for Kaladesh!
Shot 2016-09-01. Edited More Recently.
G&K In Japan - Day 13: Tokyo Osaka Goodbye Graham and Kathleen August 26, 2016
Graham & Kathleen's last 1.5 days in Japan. Osaka Aquarium and the Umeda Sky Building.
G&K In Japan - Day 12: Ueno Zoo Graham and Kathleen August 18, 2016
Graham & Kathleen completely scrub out of a museum and fall ass-backwards into a day at the zoo.
G&K In Japan - Day 11: Souvenirs from Akihabara Graham and Kathleen August 12, 2016
Graham & Kathleen go shopping in Tokyo, the second half of this episode is basically an unboxing video :)
I Stole a Dog August 10, 2016
Graham & Kathleen zip over to Saltspring Island, land of hippies and bad drivers. Shot on 2016-07-30/31
G&K In Japan - Day 10: Get to Tokyo Graham and Kathleen August 4, 2016
Graham & Kathleen leave Takayama on an amazing train ride, bound for Tokyo. And Graham does a comparitive experiment.
G&K In Japan - Day 9: Let Us Showa This Museum Graham and Kathleen July 28, 2016
Graham and Kathleen wander further around Takayama, visiting the Showa museum, and seeing more local sights.
Getting Angry at Pokemon Gyms July 25, 2016
Let us show you our Pokemans. Shot/Cut on 2016-07-24
Grilling on the Beach July 25, 2016
A group of Canadian internet content creators go to the beach. These are their stories.
G&K In Japan - Day 8: Cube Eggs & Triangle Houses Graham and Kathleen July 20, 2016
Graham & Kathleen explore Takayama's morning market, and the Hida Folk Village.
The Dumbest Camera Rig July 18, 2016
This was a weird Saturday. Shot/Cut on 2016-07-16
G&K In Japan - Day 7: Through the Alps to Takayama Graham and Kathleen July 13, 2016
After a visit to Gifu Castle, Graham & Kathleen make their way to Takayama, a town in the Japanese alps.
G&K In Japan - Day 6: Cormorant Fishing by Firelight Graham and Kathleen July 6, 2016
Graham & Kathleen visit Chikubushima, an island on Lake Biwa, and then head to Gifu for a demonstration of traditional cormorant fishing on the Nagara River.
G&K In Japan - Day 5: All Over Kyoto Again Graham and Kathleen June 29, 2016
Today, Graham and Kathleen explore Kyoto's covered markets, visit more temples, and attempt to plan their travel for Day 6.
PAX East 2016 - LoadingReadyRun Panel June 28, 2016
Our panel from PAX East 2016! Announcing the new streams and writing a Crapshot.
G&K In Japan - Day 4: The Bamboo Forest Graham and Kathleen June 22, 2016
Still in Kyoto, Graham & Kathleen visit the Arashiyama Bamboo Forest, and walk the Path of Philosophy. Fun fact, this is the shortest episode of the series.
G&K In Japan - Day 3: A Super Day in Kyoto Graham and Kathleen June 15, 2016
Graham & Kathleen travel to Kyoto, Japan's cultural capital, and after a brief kerfuffle in finding their ryokan, they visit the Toei Studio Park.
G&K In Japan - Day 2: Feeding Deer in Nara Graham and Kathleen June 7, 2016
On Day 2, Graham and Kathleen travel to Nara, home of habituated deer and amazing temples.
G&K In Japan - Day 1: Go Osaka Graham and Kathleen June 1, 2016
Graham & Kathleen's video blog of their 2015 trip to Japan (approx 13 episodes total). Day 1: Travelling to Osaka!
MAGFest 2016 - LoadingReadyRun Panel February 25, 2016
Graham, Beej, and Ian at MAGfest 2016 in Maryland. Watch them create a Crapshot before your eyes, with CONSIDERABLE help from the crew back home.
PAX South 2016 - LoadingReadyRun Panel February 13, 2016
Join Graham, James, Cameron, and Alex for our 2016 PAX South panel, we write a Crapshot and answer your questions.
Thanks to Jason Chinnock for loaning us his camera, and editing this together!
LRR Panel - PAX Prime 2015 September 7, 2015
The LRR Panel from PAX Prime 2015, announcing Qwerpline, Sick Rips, and writing a Crapshot together!
Sick Rips Ep.1 - Coat with Venom September 3, 2015
A new mini-series! Looking at the characters and moments within your favourite Magic cards, and cards that suck too.
See the card here:
We're producing SIX of these shorts, just to see how it goes. If enough people like them, then we'll do more!
This "Mystery Box" project is all made possible by the kind support of our Patreon.
Twenty-Thirteen Teaser December 27, 2013
A little taste of the LRR Season 10 finale. Look it for it on Monday!
LRR Panel - PAX Prime 2013 November 2, 2013
The LRR panel for PAX Prime 2013, featuring the unveiling of our (now successful, thank you so much!) Kickstarter, and a bunch of great Q&A with the PAX audience!
Kickstarter Countdown Livestream October 13, 2013
The crew shows you 10 videos from each of their 10 years, and counts down the end of the Kickstarter!
CAH's Tabletop Deathmatch - Teaser October 8, 2013
Cards Against Humanity ran a game design contest and received 500 entries. They asked the 16 finalists to come to GenCon 2013 and pitch their games to a panel of judges. We filmed it. Look for the documentary miniseries, coming this fall!
PAX Prime 2013 - Escapist Movie Night Intro September 4, 2013
The Escapist asked us to record a little welcome video for their movie night at PAX Prime 2013, on Saturday August 31st. We thought you'd like to see it!
LRR Panel - PAX East 2013 April 14, 2013
LRR's panel from PAX East 2013! In case you missed it.
Cards Against Humanity - PAX East 2013 April 13, 2013
Produced for the CAH panel at PAX East 2013, featuring PAX guests!
LRR Panel at PAX Prime 2012 September 23, 2012
It's the LRR panel at PAX Prime 2012!
Mailbag! April 6, 2012
The cast of Loading Ready Run answers your questions in a way that they only could.
Stand Together: The Gaming Community vs SOPA and PIPA Graham, James, Daniel, Craig and Hal January 18, 2012
Sign a petition to have the ESA remove their support from SOPA/PIPA here -
Ask your favorite gaming websites and youtube channel to join the cause by not attending and covering E3 this year until the ESA changes their stance on SOPA and PIPA! If they truly apposed this legislation the last thing they want to do is support an entity that spent $190,000 on PIPA lobbying.
Green Job Graham, Paul, Jeremy, James, Kathleen, Matt and Tim January 13, 2012
A behind-the-scenes reel of the all the special effects in our latest video, The Job.
Point-Counterpoint: GI Joe - The Rise of Cobra August 3, 2009
Graham Stark moderates as YouTube superstars Woody Tondorf and Shay Carl face off to determine just HOW epic GI Joe will be. Which is "Very".
Doritos Ad - KaBLAM March 17, 2009
Aim chips towards mouth. Aim bag away from face. Our first ad for the Doritos Guru Ad Contest.
Please vote for us at:
Doritos Ad - Overload March 17, 2009
When you open a bag of Doritos Overload, be careful you don't get more than you bargained for. Frito-Lay North America Inc. is not responsible for any awesomeness that may occur. Our second ad for the Doritos Guru ad contest.
Please vote for us at:
The Shavening January 14, 2009
When Paul bet the internet $25,000 to shave his beard, he thought he was safe. He was wrong.
Ask An Alex - 02 Alex June 3, 2008
Alliteration returns once again for the next installment of AAA.
Ask An Alex - 01 Alex May 20, 2008
In a world full of people named Alex, he is one of them. And he's answering your questions.
Green Noon James, Paul, Morgan and Matt January 31, 2008
Check out this behind-the-scenes look at High Noon without any special effects.
Big Things in BC Graham, Kathleen, Brad and Adam August 7, 2007
For British Columbia Day, we present a small tour of large things.
Deathly Hallows Launch Night Gibb, Jeremy, Matt, Kathleen, Ash and Tally July 19, 2007
Gibb and friends get very excited over a book.
While Wii Were Waiting Alex November 23, 2006
Alex interviews the assorted geeks and nerds queueing up for a Wii. They are much nicer than those waiting for a PS3. Also, they have hookahs.
Paul's Reality TV Personality Graham and Paul Unknown
He could be on the next American Idol.
Danny Zuko Graham and Paul Unknown
Who is Graham's Danny Zuko? A deep thinker.
Flour Morgan, James, Graham, Ben and Bill Unknown
We are just stealing stuff from Jackass.
Prince George Funtimes Graham and Kathleen Unknown
Graham and Kathleen show us around Prince George.
Meet LoadingReadyRun Graham and Paul Unknown
For a quick intro to the kind of stuff we do here, check out our promo video.