Ways to Whiten Your Teeth
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Vital Statistics
Date: August 22, 2011
Category: X Ways To Y
Appearing: Matt Wiggins, Paul Saunders, Ashley Allman, James Turner
Writing: James Turner, Paul Saunders, Jeremy Petter
Camera: Paul Saunders, James Turner
Edited by: Graham Stark
Ways to Whiten Your Teeth: Bleach, Whitening Gum, Sandpaper, Eat White Foods, Correction Fluid, Reverse Smoke, Back-Alley Dentist, Fix It In Post, Prosthetics, Electrolysis, Car Wash, Click Those Teeth Whitening Ads, The Sam Raimi
- The giant Creepy Doll from CommodoreHUSTLE 018 - Santa Secrets can be seen during the Sam Raimi.
- The "electrolysis" was originally envisioned by the shooting crew as "electroplating."
- This is the only X Ways to Y without whip-pans.
![]() Season Eight X ways to Y ◀ ●∙∙∙The Amendment More Sleep ∙∙∙● ▶