Ways to Get in Shape

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The video page on Loadingreadyrun.com links to a video formerly hosted on Blip, but the video can be found here.

Stick to your resolution with these handy tips!

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Ways to Get in Shape

Date: December 29, 2006

Category: X ways to Y

Appearing: Graham Stark, Matt Wiggins, Bill Watt, Kathleen De Vere

Writing: Graham Stark, Kathleen De Vere

Camera: Kathleen De Vere, Raymond Steacy

Edited by: Graham Stark

Fat Wrangler: Kathleen De Vere

Location: Bill's Place v2.0


To get in shape for the new year you may: keep junk food out of reach; go for a walk; drink water instead of a snack; eat health food; do leg lifts; do jazzercise; play Wii Boxing; do cat curls; abuse laxatives; be more active; attempt amateur liposuction; the Sam Raimi; use mind powers; just sleep until fat is in style.

Drinking Water is a recurring theme for this video.


  • The cat used for Cat Curls is Annika, one of Kathleen's two cats.
Season Four     X ways to Y

◀ ●∙∙∙It's a Wonderful Game     Morning After ∙∙∙● ▶
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LRRcast: January 4 2007 LRRcast