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This video is offline. Some early videos have been taken down for using copyrighted music or were removed for hosting issues. Others have come down because the host had ceased operations and the video was not reposted to an alternate host.

I love the smell of canned pasta in the morning.

Vital Statistics


Date: November 7, 2003

Category: Other

Appearing: Jeremy Petter

Writing: Jeremy Petter

Camera: Jeremy Petter

Edited by: Jeremy Petter


Jer prepares Chef Boyardee.


  • This was filmed during the conflict in Afghanistan. Needing a name for this pasta art film Vietnam just slipped out.
Season One     Other

◀ ●∙∙∙2003 Halloween Special     The Alternative to Telemarketers ∙∙∙● ▶
Discuss Vietnam on LRR