Unskippable 027 - Valkyria Chronicles

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Graham and Paul take a trip back in time, to a war-ridden country in Valkyria Chronicles.

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Later, further down the road...

Original Date: July 13, 2009

Re-Upload Date: October 12, 2022

Category: Unskippable

Written And Performed By: Graham Stark and Paul Saunders


An artist comes to Bruhl and draws fish. War erupts in beautiful picturesque watercolor.


You could probably make a gore-soaked bloodfest look relaxing if it was all beautifully hand-painted.


  • Watching seven episodes of Unskippable on the Escapist awards the forum badge "Fishy McSketcherson"
  • "Love CAN bloom on a battlefield, Otacon" is a quote from the original Metal Gear Solid. Metal Gear August began three episodes later.
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