Third Wheel Dating

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A tricycle is way more stable than a bicycle, right?

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Date: September 1, 2014

Category: Shorts

Appearing: James Turner, Graham Stark, Ash Vickers, Kathleen De Vere, Brendan "Beej" Dery, Heather Dery, Cameron Lauder, Paul Saunders, Juliana Cooper, Jeremy Petter, Tally Heilke and Alex Steacy

Writing: Kathleen De Vere

Camera: Graham Stark, James Turner, Paul Saunders

Edited by: Graham Stark, Kathleen De Vere

Executive Producers: Andrew "Omega Lairon" Paye, Rachel Bradford and Christian "Imat" Johnson


The video is an ad for the titular service which connects couples with a desperate or lonely third person to go out with them as the "third wheel". To this end, it shows four groups of "satisfied customers":

  • Dan (James) is a slovenly, immature bachelor who goes to a café with couple Peter (Graham) and Marie (Ash), whose strained relationship is somewhat soothed by the knowledge that it's better than settling for someone like him.
  • Kathleen plays an unnamed woman who appears to have severe developmental issues (she still lives with her mother, lacks social inhibition, and writes Sesame Street slashfiction) who goes to the movies with a couple played by Beej and Heather, whose physical intimacy she attempts to insert herself into.
  • Cameron and Paul play a gay couple joined by a woman (Juliana, Cam's real-life girlfriend) who "just wants to watch two boys making out."
  • Alex plays a stereotypical "geeky virgin" who is matched with a couple (Jer and Tally) who "just want someone to watch." He appears to have very little knowledge of sex and is alarmed by what he sees.


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