The Professor's Funhouse

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This video link for this video on LoadingReadyRun is a Quicktime format file hosted on LRR. This was LRR's primary form of video hosting from 2003 to 2006, before the emergence of Revver, Blip or LRR's primary use of Youtube. Most modern browsers no longer support playing Quicktime videos. The video can be downloaded from the main page or viewed off of the main LRR site here.

A look back at the show that shaped children's television for decades.

Vital Statistics


Date: April 15, 2005

Category: Shorts

Appearing: Gibb and friends

Voices: Graham Stark

Writing: Graham Stark

Edited by: Graham Stark


A documentary about a fictional children's television show staffed entirely by puppets. Not just starring puppets, staffed.


  • This video won the 2005 UVic Student Film Fest Award for Best Script.
  • Gibb makes an appearance on LRR as "Martin the Monkey". (He's actually a yeti.)
  • This video was originally shot in August 2004 and included on the Season One DVD as an unaired video. After winning the Best Writing award in 2005 the video was shown on the site.
  • Graham played Stanley.
  • This video won Bracket 1 of the 20th Anniversary Sketch Bracket. It was remade as The Professor's Funhouse (2024 Remake).
Season Two     Shorts

◀ ●∙∙∙Prepared Interview     Slow News Day ∙∙∙● ▶
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    The Professor's Funhouse Transcript