The LRRcast

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Not to be confused with LoadingReadyRun Podcasts, often referred to as "LRRcasts".

The LRRcast logo

Format: Podcast
Created By: Paul Saunders and Graham Stark
Status: Discontinued
Updates: Sporadic
Host: YouTube (April 27th 2011 - May 17th 2016)
Original Run: May 19, 2006 - May 17, 2016
Associated Shows:
Broadcasting from The LoadingReadyRun Orbiting Underground Moonbase, it's The LRRcast
- Intro to The LRRcast

Pronounced "lurr-cast", this was LoadingReadyRun's first series of audio podcasts, in which the crew discussed the making of the latest video, the things going on in the world, and what video games they'd played recently. The last had its own section title and theme music, being known as "What We're Playing Now".

During Season Seven a split was made, with What We're Playing Now being dropped from the normal LRRcast agendaand made into its own podcast called Those Games We Played.

After April 27th 2011, LRRcasts were duplicated in video form. The order below is the order on the podcast page.

Answering questions from the audience is the "AskLRR" segment, and was introduced in the December 8th 2006 episode. Make sure you check the AskLRR Answers page to review previously asked questions.

The LRRcast proper ended in May 2016. Its successors can be found in various segments of LoadingReadyLIVE.

In 2023, the LRRcast was revived for a short 10-episode retrospective as part of LoadingReadyRun's 20th anniversary.

List of Episodes

20th Anniversary Retrospective

Episode No. Title Release Date Link
10 Really Going Through It January 14, 2024 Audio Video
Graham & Paul discuss the challenging years of 2020-2023, how we dealt with them and what we learned from them. Then Nelson & Matt join us to chat about their time with LRR.
9 Ambitious Projects January 7, 2024 Audio Video
Graham & Paul are joined by Serge & Wheeler as we talk about their time with LRR, and some of our recent projects (including some of our most ambitious).
8 Podcast Extravaganza December 31, 2023 Audio Video
Graham & Paul are joined by Adam & Ben as we talk about their time with LRR, and all the podcasts we still do and have done.
7 The YRR of LRR December 18, 2023 Audio Video
Graham & Paul are joined by Ian Horner & Cori Dickinson to discuss the next two years of LRR history—featuring The YRR of LRR and the final season of sketches.
6 The Production House December 10, 2023 Audio Video
Graham & Paul are joined by Heather & Brendan “Beej” Dery to discuss the next two years of LRR history—featuring Friday Nights, Strip Search, and Tabletop Deathmatch.
5 Spilling the Tea December 3, 2023 Audio Video
Graham & Paul are joined by Alex and Cameron to discuss some LRR history.
4 You Can Get Paid for This? November 26, 2023 Audio Video
Graham & Paul are joined by LRR alum Tim Sevenhuysen, and they’re here to discuss the next two years of LRR history.
3 Live Studio Audience November 12, 2023 Audio Video
Graham & Paul are joined by Jeremy and Matt, and they’re here to discuss the next two years of LRR history.
2 A Baseless Moon November 6, 2023 Audio Video
Graham and Paul talk about LoadingReadyRun from 2003 to 2005, and then are joined by James and Kathleen to discuss their histories in and out of LRR.
1 The Before Years October 29, 2023 Audio Video
First of 10 episodes in the limited return of the LRRCast celebrating 20 years of LoadingReadyRun. Join Graham and Paul for a look back and everything that lead up to the launch of LoadingReadyRun in October of 2003.


Title LRRcasters Format
LRRcast - The Finale Audio & Video
Join Graham and Paul as they take a look back at the history of the LRRcast, answer a couple old AskLRR questions and look ahead to the future.
LRRcast - Ask AskReddit Audio & Video
Join us on this weeks LRRcast as we Ask AskReddit for hard hitting questions.
LRRcast - Anime Recap: Winter 2016 Audio & Video
Join Beej, Heather, Cori and Ian as they discuss the latest offerings from the world of Anime.
LRRcast - AskLRR April 2016 Audio & Video
Join Heather, Cameron and Beej this week as they answer your questions.
LRRcast - Our Computer History Audio & Video
James, Cameron and Paul sit down for this weeks LRRcast to discuss their personal computer history.
LRRcast - The Little Things Audio & Video
Paul, Cameron and Alex join you this week and discuss the little things in life that bring you joy.
LRRcast - Top Sketches Part 3 Heather Dery, Brendan "Beej" Dery, Ian Horner, Paul Saunders Audio & Video
In this, the final installment of the top sketches series join Heather, Beej and Ian as they discuss their all time favorite LRR sketches.
LRRcast - Top Sketches Part 2 Kathleen De Vere, Graham Stark, Alex Steacy Audio & Video
We continue our trip down memory lane with part 2 of our top sketches. Join Graham, Kathleen and Alex as they reminisce about their favorite past LRR sketches.
LRRcast - Top Five Sketches Cameron Lauder, James Turner, Paul Saunders Audio & Video
On this weeks LRRcast we take a trip down memory lane. Join James, Cameron and Paul as they discuss their top five LoadingReadyRun sketches!
LRRcast - Concentrated Value Audio & Video
Join Cameron, Graham and Alex on this weeks LRRcast where they chat about the age old problem. Is this video game I paid 30 dollars for and is only 3 hours long worth it? The answer may shock you.
LRRcast - AdviceLRR Audio & Video
Similar in fashion to AskLRR this week we bring you AdviceLRR. Paul, Cameron and Alex take your questions and give you some sort of advice.
LRRcast - AskLRR February 2016 Audio & Video
Graham, Alex and Cameron take your questions and provide answers that are both comical and insightful.
LRRcast - Anime Recap: Autumn 2015 Audio & Video
Join Heather, Cori, Ian and Beej as they discuss all things Anime from the Fall of 2015 and what they're looking forward to from the upcoming Winter 2016 season.
LRRcast - Star Wars Cameron Lauder, Graham Stark, Ian Horner Audio & Video
Do you have opinions about Star War: The Force Awakens? 'Cause Ian, Cam and Graham sure do! In case it isn't obvious, SPOILER WARNING!
LRRcast - Best of 2015 Part 2 Audio & Video
It's part two of our Best of 2015 LRRcast! This week join Graham, Ian and Alex as they talk about all their favourite movies, games, TV shows and everything in between!
LRRcast - Best of 2015 Part 1 James Turner, Cameron Lauder, Paul Saunders Audio & Video
Join James, Cameron and Paul on this weeks LRRcast as we discuss all things 2015. Movies, TV Shows, Video Games, Music and Books!


Title LRRcasters Format
LRRcast - Christmas Traditions Part: 2 Audio & Video
Join James, Ian and Alex in part two of our Christmas traditions episode.
LRRcast - Christmas Traditions Part: 1 Audio & Video
Graham, Paul and Cameron discuss their Christmas traditions both new and old on this weeks LRRcast.
LRRcast - Hobbies Cameron Lauder, Paul Saunders, Alex Steacy Audio & Video
Paul, Cameron, and Alex talk about some of the things they do when they're not doing LRR.
LRRcast - Post Desert Bus AskLRR Audio & Video
Cameron, Graham and James join you this week as they answer all your Desert Bus question, just one short week after we ended this years run.
LRRcast - Pre Desert Bus Audio & Video
In a very delayed LRRcast, join Paul, Ian, and Cameron as they discuss Desert Bus... before it happens!!!
LRRcast - Kathleen Trivia (October 2015) Audio & Video
Join Kathleen as she tests the skills of Graham and Ben vs. Cameron and Andy in this edition of Kathleen's Trivia Challenge.
LRRcast - SpoopCast Paul Saunders, Graham Stark, Cameron Lauder, Kathleen De Vere Audio & Video
Graham, Paul and Cameron join you for this weeks Spoooooopy LRRcast.
LRRcast - Anime Fall Recap Audio & Video
Once again Ian, Cori, Beej and Heather take over the LRRcast to chat all things Anime. What they've been watching this season and what they're excited for in the upcoming season.
LRRcast - Workplace Accidents Paul Saunders, Cameron Lauder, Alex Steacy Audio & Video
Join Paul, Cameron and Alex this week as they discuss workplace blunders. Not here of course, safety is our number 4 priority here at LoadingReadyRun.
LRRcast - AskLRR Part 3 Paul Saunders, James Turner, Alex Steacy Audio & Video
James, Paul and Alex answer your questions on this weeks LRRcast.
LRRcast - Kathleen Trivia (September 2015) Audio & Video
Join Kathleen as she tests the skills of Graham and Gavin vs. Cameron and Alex in this edition of Kathleen's Trivia Challenge.
LRRcast - Who Needs a Topic Audio & Video
Paul, Ian and Graham go into this weeks LRRcast with no topic and see where the wind takes them.
LRRcast - Sketch vs.Crapshot Paul Saunders, James Turner, Graham Stark, Alex Steacy Audio & Video
It's a full cast on this weeks LRRcast. Join Paul, James, Graham, and Alex as they discuss the differences between the old weekly sketches and Crapshots.
LRRcast - Where we thought we'd be Audio & Video
Are you where you thought you'd be 10 years ago? How about 20? Join James, Paul, and Cam on this weeks LRRcast as they tackle that very subject.
LRRcast - The Shelf Audio & Video
This week on the LRRcast Graham and Paul discuss where all that stuff on the shelf behind us came from.
LRRcast - The Return of AskLRR Part 2 Audio & Video
AskLRR makes it return this week with Beej, Heather, Paul and Ian taking on your questions from Twitter.
LRRcast - Alberta Origins Brendan "Beej" Dery, Heather Dery, Coriander Dickinson, Ian Horner, Paul Saunders Audio & Video
Join Beej, Heather, Cori and Ian as the delve into their origin stories. Where did they come from? What did they do? Why are they here?
LRRcast - Summer Anime Recap Audio & Video
Beej, Heather, Cori and Ian are back to talk about this seasons offerings in the world of Anime.
LRRcast - Fan Interactions Audio & Video
Paul, Alex and Cam tell their favourite stories about meeting fans and give some suggestions as to what to do if you see a LRR crew member in the wild. Hint: Don't make any sudden moves, they startle easily.
LRRcast - Kathleen Trivia (June 2015) James Turner, Cameron Lauder, Kathleen De Vere, Graham Stark, Alex Steacy, Paul Saunders Audio & Video
The 2v2 continues for this months Kathleen Trivia. James and Cam return to square off against Graham and Alex.
LRRcast - Alexisms Paul Saunders, Graham Stark, Alex Steacy, Cameron Lauder Audio & Video
Alex has a vast and complicated vocabulary. Join Paul and Graham on this weeks LRRcast as they dive into the world of Alexisms.
LRRcast - Spoilers Part 2 Audio & Video
On this weeks LRRcast Beej, Cam and Alex sit down and discuss spoilers. Do they ruin a movie or TV show? How do we avoid them? And what's the statute of limitations these days?
LRRcast - Spoilers James Turner, Paul Saunders, Ian Horner Audio & Video
On this weeks LRRcast James, Paul and Ian sit down and discuss spoilers. Do they ruin a movie or TV show? How do we avoid them? And what's the statute of limitations these days?
LRRcast - Kathleen Trivia (May 2015) Audio & Video
This time, things get serious for Kathleen's Trivia Challenge. It's James and Cam vs Paul and Graham head to head and brain to brain!
LRRcast - The Return of AskLRR Audio & Video
This week on the LRRcast Paul, James and Cam welcome the return of AskLRR. We take your Twitter questions and give you the best damn Q's we can.
LRRcast - Tech Disasters Audio & Video
This week Paul, Graham and Alex talk about their worst tech disasters.
LRRcast - Writing Process Audio & Video
LRR's main writers (Graham, Paul, and Kathleen) talk about how they tackle the varied content we produce, and discuss their different writing styles.
LRRcast - Cellphone Home Screen Part 2 Audio & Video
This week Beej, Graham and Kathleen share with you their home screen setups and the apps that occupy them.
Where My Home Screen At:
LRRcast - Cellphone Home Screens Audio & Video
Join Cam, Ian, James and Paul this week as they talk about their iPhone home screens and the apps that occupy them.
LRRcast - The Kathleen Trivia Challenge Part 3 Audio & Video
Kathleen returns this week with another entry in the Trivia Challange! Join Cam, Julie and Paul as they flex their trivia muscles.
LRRcast - Winter Anime Recap Audio & Video
We let Beej, Heather, Ian, and Cori back into the podcast office, and they talked about all the latest anime they're into. Ian also added a bunch of visual info to the video version.
LRRcast - Guilty Pleasures Part 2 Audio & Video
James, Beej and Ian share their "guilty pleasures" and discuss the whole concept of guilty pleasures in general.
LRRcast - Guilty Pleasures Part 1 Audio & Video
Paul, Cam and Alex discuss their not so guilty pleasures.
LRRcast - Dungeons & Dragons Stories Audio & Video
Join Ian, Paul, Kathleen and Alex this week as they delve into their Dungeons & Dragons play history, and share their tales of adventure.
LRRcast - FoodCast Audio & Video
Join Kathleen, Alex and Cam this week as they talk food. Yummy, delicious, edible food.
LRRcast - Monthly Spending Audio & Video
Join Graham, Paul and James as they discuss their monthly spending habits in regards to online services. Twitch and Rdio and Netflix! Oh my!
LRRcast - The Kathleen Trivia Challenge Part 2 Audio & Video
Cameron and James take on the second half of Kathleen's trivia challenge. Will they do better than Alex and Paul?
LRRcast - The Kathleen Trivia Challenge Part 1 Audio & Video
Kathleen brings her love of trivia to the LRRcast, testing the wits of Paul and Alex.
LRRcast - Odd Jobs Part 2 Brendan "Beej" Dery, Cameron Lauder, Alex Steacy Audio & Video
Beej, Cameron, and Alex tackle part 2 of Odd Jobs: the weird things we used to do, before we did weird things professionally.
LRRcast - Odd Jobs Part 1 Paul Saunders, Kathleen De Vere, Graham Stark, Ian Horner Audio & Video
This week Graham, Paul, Kathleen and Ian talk odd jobs. Silly things we did, before we started to do silly things professionally.
LRRcast - Injuries Part 2 Brendan "Beej" Dery, James Turner, Cameron Lauder Audio & Video
More personal injury stories from the rest of the crew, on this week's LRRcast.
LRRcast - Injuries Part 1 Paul Saunders, Graham Stark, Kathleen De Vere Audio & Video
Paul, Graham, and Kathleen recount the stories behind some of their best/worst physical injuries.
LRRcast - Resolutions Part 2 Brendan "Beej" Dery, James Turner, Alex Steacy Audio & Video
The first LRRcast recorded in the new year is all about New Year's Resolutions. Kind of?
LRRcast - Resolutions Part 1 Audio & Video
The first LRRcast recorded in the new year is all about New Year's Resolutions. Kind of?
LRRcast - Best of 2014 Part 3 (Anime Edition) Audio & Video
As a special treat, Beej and Heather are joined by new locals to Victoria Ian and Cori to discuss yet more Best Stuff of 2014, with an extensive section on anime.

Season Eleven

Title LRRcasters Featured Video Format
LRRcast - Best of 2014 Part 2 None Audio & Video
Join Graham, Kathleen and Alex as they discuss their favourite Movies, Albums, Video Games, TV Shows and other forms of consumable media from 2014.
LRRcast - Best of 2014 Part 1 None Audio & Video
Join James, Paul and Cam as they discuss their favourite Movies, Albums, Video Games, TV Shows and other forms of consumable media from 2014.
LRRcast - Desert Bus Part 2 None Audio & Video
Join Graham, Kathleen, Paul and Ian as they talk about this years Desert Bus for Hope.
LRRcast - Desert Bus None Audio & Video
Join James, Alex and Cam as they talk about this years Desert Bus and the Star Wars trailer.
LRRcast - Cringe Stories Part 2 Brendan "Beej" Dery, Graham Stark, Alex Steacy None Audio & Video
Following on from last episode: Graham, Alex, and Beej tell us their darkest memories.
Got a topic you want us to discuss? Let us know!
LRRcast - Cringe Stories Paul Saunders, Kathleen De Vere, Cameron Lauder, James Turner None Audio & Video
This week join James, Cam, Kathleen and Paul as we try something a little different for the LRRcast.
Have you ever done something, turned around and immediately smacked yourself on the head and wonder "WHY?!?!?!" Well, so have we!
LRRcast for 2014-10-03 None Audio & Video
James, Cam and Paul sit down with you this week and talk about the filming of Sorry to Interrupt and answer your questions.
LRRcast 2014-09-19 None Audio & Video
This week join Graham, Kathleen, Cam and Paul as they chat about the most recent episode of cHustle and answer your questions.
LRRcast for 2014-09-05 None Audio & Video
Paul, Kathleen, Cam and Alex talk about Pax Prime 2014 and answer your questions.
LRRcast for 2014-08-15 None Audio & Video
Join James, Paul, Cam and Alex and they tackle your hard hitting questions. Bonus fun times is we have a challenge for you!
LRRcast for 2014-07-18 None Audio & Video
After some time away, Graham, Paul, Kathleen and Alex answer your questions!
LRRcast for 2014 07 04 None Audio & Video
James, Paul and Cam take on your Twitter questions in this weeks LRRcast!
LRRcast for 2014-06-13 None Audio & Video
Join Graham, James, Alex and Paul as they tackle the tough questions everyone else dodges, like.
If you were a tree would you find communism more or less appealing? Listen to learn where we come down on this very contentious issue.
LRRcast for 2014-05-23 None Audio & Video
Join James, Paul, Kathleen and Alex as they dive head first into your questions.
LRRcast for 2014-05-16 None Audio & Video
Graham, Paul, James and Kathleen chat about LRRCon and then answer some questions from Twitter.
We apologize for the audio issue.
LRRcast for 2014-03-28 None Audio & Video
Join Graham, James, Kathleen and Paul as they take your questions and craft glorious answer for them.
LRRcast for 2014-03-14 None Audio & Video
Presented in glorious Dial-Up Quality?, the crew answers your questions!
LRRcast for 2014-03-01 None Audio & Video
It's LRRcast time! Cam, Kathleen, Paul and Graham answer your askLRR questions!
LRRcast for 2014-02-07 None Audio & Video
The crew fills you in on BroWatch2014 and answers your questions!
LRRcast for 2014-01-17 None Audio & Video
The crew answers all your burning questions! A lot of questions about LoadingReadyLive and 2014 in general.
LRRcast for 2014-01-03 Paul Saunders, James Turner, Graham Stark, Kathleen De Vere None Audio & Video
The crew is back with a brief explanation of their plans for 2014!

Season Ten

Title LRRcasters Featured Video Format
LRRcast for 2013-11-08 Graham Stark, Kathleen De Vere, James Turner, Paul Saunders Murdercide, The Bodypaint Problem Audio & Video
The crew talks about Murdercide, The Bodypaint Problem and answers your questions.
LRRcast for 2013-10-18 None Audio & Video
The crew talks about Enlightenment Gear and answer a butt-ton of your questions!
LRRcast for 2013-10-12 None Audio & Video
Graham & Paul are back, but Beej & Alex are sticking around for this week's extensive askLRR session.
LRRcast for 2013-10-05 None Audio & Video
Cam, Beej, Jer and Alex step in this week to give you a break from the usual goons and answer your questions.
LRRcast for 2013-09-07 None Audio & Video
Graham & Paul (with special guest Beej) play catchup on LRRcasts with this extra-long episode, talking videos and answering your questions!
LRRcast for 2013-08-17 None Audio & Video
Cameron and Beej join Paul and Kathleen on this week's LRRcast.
LRRcast for 2013-08-02 None Audio & Video
Old-school with Graham and Paul this week, and they talk recent videos and answer a whole swath of your questions.
LRRcast for 2013-07-12 None Audio & Video
James, Graham, and Paul catch you up on the latest episode of Friday Nights and answer a ton of your viewer questions!
LRRcast for 2013-06-21 Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, James Turner, Kathleen De Vere Finale, Part 2, Audio & Video
The crew talk briefly about the Strip Seach finale, and answer your questions.
LRRcast for 2013-06-14 None Audio & Video
The crew answers a whole bunch of questions on this weeks LRRcast.
LRRcast for 2013-06-07 None Audio & Video
The crew is back to make up for a week away by answering your questions.
LRRcast for 2013-05-17 James Turner, Paul Saunders, Graham Stark, Kathleen De Vere SPRING!, Feed Dump 100 Audio & Video
The crew talks about SPRING!, Feed Dump 100, and answers your questions!
LRRcast 2013-05-10 Graham Stark, Kathleen De Vere, Paul Saunders The Travel Bug Audio & Video
Graham, Paul, and Kathleen talk about "The Travel Bug" and then hit hard with some AskLRR.
LRRcast 2013-05-03 None Audio & Video
Join Graham, Paul and Kathleen as they answer your questions on this weeks LRRcast!
LRRcast for 2013-04-19 None Audio & Video
The crew's all back, and answering your questions! Many Strip Search production questions too.
LRRcast for 2013-04-12 None Audio & Video
Join us this week and Paul and James tackle your questions and talk about people being sick.
LRRcast for 2013-04-05 Graham Stark, Paul Saunders Men Easter, Friday Nights: Grinding Audio & Video
Graham and Paul take it old-school, and do a podcast all by themselves.
LRRcast for 2013-03-29 None Audio & Video
Making up for missing a week, we talk about PAX East, answer questions, and Paul shares some news.
LRRcast - Friday Nights and Facebook Questions None Audio & Video
Friday Nights marks its return and we take questions from Facebook. All this and more on this weeks LRRcast.
LRRcast for 2013-03-08 None Audio & Video
The crew talks a bit about initial reactions to Strip Search, and answers your questions.
LRRcast for 2013-03-01 None Audio & Video
Presenting a newer, new podcast schedule! Plus behind the scenes of Filtergram and some AskLRR.
LRRcast for 2013-02-15 None Audio & Video
The crew has a little chat about wizards, and answers your questions.
LRRcast for 2013-01-12 None Audio & Video
The LoadingReadyRun podcast returns! After its longest hiatus, the LRRcast is back and better than ever.

Season Nine

Title LRRcasters Featured Video Format
Scout's Oil PAX Accountant None Audio & Video
The latest LRR vidcast! Covering the videos: Scouts Dishonor, Snake Oil, Ways to Prepare for PAX and Seth McDebit. Also, with special guests Cam and Andy!
Live Vidcast August 4, 2012 None Audio & Video
We channel our inner Bill O'Reilly (this joke will surely stand the test of time) and just say "we'll do it live!" It's a live LRRcast!
LRRcast for Occupied None Audio & Video
The LoadingReadyRun vidcast for Occupied, with plenty of askLRR.
Ways to Find my Friends and Family's Wifi Gear None Audio & Video
LRRcast for a bunch of vids!
AskPAUL Live! None Audio & Video
Paul sits in a chair and answers your questions for far too long. Recorded live June 9, 2012.
LRRcast Fun with Pop-uaction Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Kathleen De Vere, Annika Fun with Microwaves 3, The Whole Story: The Pop Can, Punctu-action Audio & Video
LRR podcast for Fun with Microwaves 3, Whole Story: Pop Can, and Punctu-action.
LRRcast for Parent Teacher Geeks have 720 Jonny Gardes? James Turner, Graham Stark, Paul Saunders PTA Meeting, Some Kind of Geek, The 720th Degree, Jonny Three, En Garde Audio & Video
Five videos worth on stuff covered in this epic catch-up LRRcast.
LRRcast for Spare Jonny the Tax Assassin Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Kathleen De Vere, James Turner, Cameron Lauder Spare Us, Gus, Jonny Two, Ways to Do Your Taxes, Assassin Creeds Audio & Video
It's nearly 90 full minutes of askLRR!
LRRcast for The Cruising Break None Audio & Video
This week on a very special LRRcast...
LRRcast for Shit Bronies Say Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Kathleen De Vere, Matt Wiggins, Cameron Lauder commodoreHUSTLE 025 - Pony Time, Shit People Say Audio & Video
Take this journey into our minds won't you?
LRRcast for January 2012 Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Kathleen De Vere, Matt Wiggins Voluntourism, Jonny Audio & Video
Join the crew as they dive into our most recent videos, it will be a fantastical journey of self discovery.
LRRcast for Santa Rings Questionable Death Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Matt Wiggins, Tim Sevenhuysen, Kathleen De Vere, James Turner, KingKool2099 Santa and Me, Ways to Ring in the New Year, Questionably Legal Man, In Death as in Life Audio & Video
Featuring a Tim! And a KingKool! And us.
LRRcast for Christmas James Turner, Matt Wiggins, Paul Saunders, Graham Stark, Kathleen De Vere The Tale of Matt Wiggins, Suspiciously Good Movers, Formal Complaint Audio & Video
We catch up on some video talk and answer a good round of questions. Join us won't you?

Season Eight

Title LRRcasters Featured Video Format
LRRcast for Secret Awkward Cruise Paul Saunders, James Turner, Graham Stark, Matt Wiggins The Secret Life of Board Games, Socially Awkward, Cruise Vacation Audio & Video
It's a LRRcast, with super fun awesome times.
LRRcast for Duty Again? None Audio & Video
It's a LRRcast. We chat about things and stuff, and occasionally stuff and things.
LRRcast for Rent the Whole Annette None Audio & Video
A three-video LRRcast with your heroes, Graham, Paul and Matt.
LRRcast for Security Smile None Audio & Video
Once thought lost, a LoadingReadyRun podcast returns from the grave of James' hard-drive. Enjoy the LRRcast for Job Security and Smile.
LRRcast for MORE SLEEP! None Audio & Video
Tim joins in for the fun, what else is there to say!
LRRcast for Fiscal Sickness None Audio & Video
It's the LRRcast! We chat about our videos and answer your questions.
LRRcast for Give Girlfriend None Audio & Video
The LRRcast. We chat about our most recent videos and answer your questions!
LRRcast for Interrupted Garage None Audio & Video
The Weekly LRRcast. We chat extensively about things and stuff.
LRRcast for Past Ransom None Audio & Video
Weekly podcast for Past Mistakes and Ransom.
LRRcast for Backup Spam None Audio & Video
LRRcast for Backup Spam, audio only version!
LRRcast: Clean Cats None Audio & Video
The weekly LRRcast. The crew chats about this past couple weeks videos and answers your questions.
LRRcast for The First Wonder None Audio
It's the weekly LRRcast!!! Listen and be amazed.
LRRcast for Columbus None Audio
LRRcast for Columbus of the Internet, we chat about this weeks videos and answer your questions.
LRRcast for Cursing Reality with Synchronized Clubbing None Audio
Playing catch-up for 4 weeks of videos. Thanks PAX East!
LRRcast for Discount Deals None Audio
Weekly LRRcast. Chit chat about the past couple weeks videos and answer a whole lot of questions.
LRRcast for Sigma Men Graham Stark, Jeremy Petter, Paul Saunders, Matt Wiggins, Kathleen De Vere, Alex Steacy Sigma Theta Delta, MEN Audio
Weekly LRRcast. The crew chats about the past couple weeks videos and answers your questions.

Season Seven

Title LRRcasters Featured Video Format
LRRcast for CEX None Audio
Weekly LRRcast, we chat about this weeks video and answer some silly questions.
LRRcast for Wing Nuts None Audio
Weekly LRRcast, we chit chat about stuff and things.
Decadent Magic Trailers: James Cameron Sucks Xmas Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Matt Wiggins, Kathleen De Vere, Alex Steacy, James Turner Decadent Sports League, commodoreHUSTLE 017 - It's Magic, Desert Bus Trailers, James Cameron's Desert Bus, Every OS Sucks, Ways to Avoid Christmas Audio
We talk about a lot of stuff, like for serious... A Lot!
LRRcast for Trapped Moves None Audio
Weekly LRRcast. The crew chats about the past two weeks videos and answers your questions.
LRRcast for Bed Solutions None Audio
LRRcast, the crew takes some time to talk about the past 2 weeks worth of videos and answers your questions.
LRRcast for Politically Accustomed None Audio
LRRcast, the crew takes some time to talk about the past 2 weeks worth of videos and answers your questions.
LRRcast for The Trivial Basement None Audio
Weekly LRRcast. We chat about this past 2 weeks worth of videos and answer your questions.
LRRcast for Gary None Audio
Weekly LRRcast. We chat about the past weeks videos and answer your questions.
LRRcast for Spoken Word None Audio
Weekly LRRcast. We chat about the past weeks videos and answer some of your questions.
LRRcast for Bad Smile None Audio
Weekly LRRcast, we chat about the past weeks LRR, ENN, Uskippable videos and answer your questions.
LRRcast for Fighting Tourny None Audio
Weekly LRRcast, we chat about these past weeks video and answer your questions.
LRRcast for Ways to Vuvuzela None Audio
Weekly LRRcast. We talk about these past weeks videos and answer your questions.
LRRcast for The Drive None Audio
Weekly LRRcast, we chat about these past weeks videos and answer your questions.
LRRcast for Conan's Witnesses None Audio
Weekly LRRcast. We chat about this weeks LRR, ENN and Unskippable videos and answer your questions.
LRRcast for Fit to Wake None Audio
Weekly LRRcast, we chat about the past weeks videos and answer your questions.
LRRcast for Echo None Audio
Weekly LRRcast, we chat about this weeks videos and answer your questions.
LRRcast for Stitch in Time None Audio
Weekly LRRcast, we chat about this weeks video and answer your questions.
LRRcast for Installation Anxiety 2010 None Audio
Weekly LRRcast, we chat about the past weeks video and take some time to answer some questions.
LRRcast - cHUSTLE: Gay Chicken None Audio
James is away this week as the crew discusses the weekly happenings and gets through some serious AskLRR. Yes, the podcasts are weekly again -- hooray!!
LRRcast for Split Foxtrot None Audio
Weekly LRRcast. We chat about this weeks videos and answer your questions.
LRRcast for Insane Clown Presentation None Audio
Weekly LRRcast. We talk about this past weeks video and answer your questions.
LRRcast for Hot Water at PAX None Audio
Weekly LRRcast. We chat about this weeks videos and answer your questions.
LRRcast for Call Le Cafe None Audio
Weekly LRRcast. We chat about the past two weeks videos and talk about PAX East.
LRRcast for Ways to Fall Asleep None Audio
Weekly LRR podcast. We chat about this weeks videos and answer your question.
LRRcast for Wireless Footprint None Audio
Weekly LRRcast, We talk about the past two weeks LRR, ENN and Unskippable videos and answer your questions.
LRRcast for Olympic Man Cooking Graham Stark, James Turner, Alex Steacy, Jeremy Petter, Kathleen De Vere, Patrick Donison, Paul Saunders, Tim Sevenhuysen Olympic Beard Growing, Man Cooking: Meatshroom Audio
Weekly LRRcast. We chat about two weeks worth of videos and answer your questions.
LRRcast for Green None Audio
Weekly LRRcast. We chat about this weeks video (Green) along with Unskippable and ENN. Then we take some time to answer your questions.
LRRcast for iPotato None Audio
We chat about iPotato, and the latest ENN and Unskippable videos. Then we answer some of your questions.
LRRcast for Just Drive None Audio
Weekly LRRcast. We chat about this weeks LRR, ENN and Unskippable videos and answer your questions.
LRRcast for Paper Boy None Audio
Weekly LRRcast. We chat abou this weeks video, talk about what were playing now and answer your questions.
LRRcast for The Job None Audio
Weekly LRRcast. We talk about this weeks video (The Job), chat about what we are all playing and answer your questions.

Season Six

Title LRRcasters Featured Video Format
January 14 2010 LRRcast None Audio
The weekly LRRcast, we talk about this weeks video, talk about what we are playing now and answer your questions.
January 10 2010 LRRcast None Audio
The weekly LRRcast.
January 05 2010 LRRcast None Audio
Weekly LRRcast. We chat about this weeks video, what we are all playing and answer your questions.
December 22 2009 LRRcast None Audio
Weekly LRRcast. We talk about this weeks video, what we are all playing and answer your questions.
December 12 2009 LRRcast None Audio
What horrors await you? Only the brave will be rewarded with the answers.
December 10 2009 LRRcast None Audio
Weekly LRRcast. We chat about this weeks video, what we're all playing now and answer OUR questions :)
November 28 2009 LRRcast None Audio
Weekly LRRcast. This week we talk about this weeks video, answer your questions about Desert Bus and talk about The Escapist deal.
October 31 2009 LRRcast None Audio
Graham, Paul and Kathleen are back, so the podcast returns to some sense of normalcy, as the crew talks about two videos ... with a special guest appearance by Bradley Rains!
October 24 2009 LRRcast None Audio
With Graham, Paul and Kathleen away, the crew decides not to talk about any videos, instead choosing to offensively roleplay their absent friends and jabber about nothing.
October 20 2009 LRRcast None Audio
Weekly LRRcast. We talk about this weeks video, what we are all playing now and answer your questions.
October 13 2009 LRRcast None Audio
Weekly LRRcast. We talk about this weeks video, what we are playing now and answer your questions.
October 05 2009 LRRcast None Audio
Weekly LRRcast. We talk about this weeks video, talk about what we are playing and answer your questions.
September 26 2009 LRRcast None Audio
A very late podcast in which the crew catch up on Smallpox and Twitter Abuse, then chat about what they're playing now and answer some questions. Featuring Kathleen and Alex!
September 14 2009 LRRcast None Audio
Weekly LRR podcast. We chat about this past weeks video, what we are all playing and answer your questions.
August 31 2009 LRRcast None Audio
Weekly LRRcast. We talk about this weeks video, chat about what we are all playing now and answer your questions.
August 22 2009 LRRcast None Audio
Weekly LRRcast. We talk about this weeks video, chat about what we're all playing currently and answer your questions.
August 15 2009 LRRcast None Audio
Weekly LRRcast. We chat about this past weeks video, talk about what we're playing now and answer your questions.
August 06 2009 LRRcast None Audio
Weekly LRRcast, we chat about this weeks video, what we are all playing now and answer your questions!?
July 27 2009 LRRcast None Audio
.snoitseuq ruoy rewsna dna won gniyalp lla era ew tahw, oediv skeew siht tuoba tahc ew, tsacRRL ylkeeW
July 20 2009 LRRcast Graham Stark, Tim Sevenhuysen, Paul Saunders, Jeremy Petter, Matt Wiggins, Tally Heilke You're Kidding Audio
Yes, kiddies, it's time for another LRRCast. Hear Tally bring her feminine whiles to the mic as we talk about this weeks video and what we're playing now. We also complete our 49th page of AskLRR!
July 18 2009 LRRcast None Audio
A late podcast from a very sorry Jer. The crew talks about commodoreHUSTLE and what they're playing, then answers your questions.
July 06 2009 LRRcast None Audio
Weekly LRRcast, we chat about this weeks video, what we are all playing now and answer your questions.
June 29 2009 LRRcast None Audio
Weekly LRRcast. We chat about this weeks video, what we are all playing now and answer your questions.
June 23 2009 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Matt Wiggins, James Turner The Joystique, Economic Stimulus, Buttstallation Audio
The crew (minus the amazingly talented Jer) talk about three videos, plus what they're playing. They even deign to answer your questions!
June 10 2009 LRRcast None Audio
The crew talk about the video and what they;re playing now, then answer some of your questions. Not only do they go on for a long time, but afterwards Jer chats with Kelly (the panda) about his involvement, among other things.
May 31 2009 LRRcast None Audio
The crew razz Jer for uploading the last podcast so late, and throw down for chats about the video and what they're playing now. They even answer some AskLRR just for you.
May 29 2009 LRRcast None Audio
A short podcast about making a short podcast, followed by a ton of bonus content for anyone who likes D&D.
May 17 2009 LRRcast None Audio
Weekly LRRcast, we chat about this weeks video, talk about what we are playing now and answer your questions.
May 10 2009 LRRcast None Audio
Weekly LRR Podcast, we talk about this weeks video, what we are all playing now and answer your questions.
May 03 2009 LRRcast None Audio
Weekly LRRcast. We talk about this weeks video, chat about what we are playing now and answer your questions.
April 26 2009 LRRcast None Audio
Weekly LRRcast, we chat about this weeks video talk about what we are all playing now and answer your questions.
April 19 2009 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Matt Wiggins, James Turner, Morgan vanHumbeck, Jeremy Petter, Raymond Steacy Worst Day Ever Audio
Weekly LRRcast in which we talk about this weeks video, chat about what we are all playing and answer your questions.
April 15 2009 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Matt Wiggins, James Turner, Bill Watt, Morgan vanHumbeck, Jeremy Petter, Tally Heilke commodoreHUSTLE 007 - Fallout Audio
Graham is an absent presence this week as we discuss the video and what we're playing, and answer your questions about us - Hooray!
April 06 2009 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Matt Wiggins, James Turner, Morgan vanHumbeck, Bill Watt, Tim Sevenhuysen Omni-Lingual Audio
Weekly LRRcast, we chat about this weeks video, talk about what we are all playing and answer your questions.
March 30 2009 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Matt Wiggins, Jeremy Petter, Morgan vanHumbeck, Tim Sevenhuysen Ways to Survive the Recession Audio
We forego What We're Playing Now this week to focus on AskLRR: Matt's least favourite part of the podcast.
March 22 2009 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, James Turner, Matt Wiggins, Jeremy Petter, Kathleen De Vere, Tim Sevenhuysen, Bill Watt, Raymond Steacy Watchmen Watching Audio
Weekly LRRcast. We chat about this weeks video, talk about what we are all playing now and answer your questions.
March 15 2009 LRRcast None Audio
Weekly LRR podcast, we chat about this past weeks video, talk about what we are playing now and answer your questions.
March 08 2009 LRRcast None Audio
Weekly LRR Podcast. We chat about the past weeks video, what we are all playing and answer your questions.
February 28 2009 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Raymond Steacy, Matt Wiggins, Tim Sevenhuysen, Bill Watt Fun with Microwaves 2 Audio
Now with new audio equipment!
February 24 2009 LRRcast None Audio
Recorded live at the LRR Panel @ Kei-kon 2009.
February 14 2009 LRRcast None Audio
A small but intimate podcast this week. We chat about this week's video, what we're playing now, and answer your heartfelt questions.
February 09 2009 LRRcast None Audio
The weekly LRRcast, we chat about this weeks video, talk about what we are playing now and answer your questions.
January 31 2009 LRRcast None Audio
The LoadingReadyRun Crew talks to you about this weeks video, what we are all playing and answer your questions.
January 19 2009 LRRcast None Audio
The LoadingReadyRun Crew talks to you about this weeks video, what we are all playing and answer your questions.
January 11 2009 LRRcast None Audio
The weekly LRRcast, we talk about this weeks video, talk about what we are playing now and answer your questions.
January 07 2009 LRRcast None Audio
The weekly LRRcast, we talk about this weeks video, talk about what we are playing now and answer your questions.
January 02 2009 LRRcast None Audio
The weekly LRRcast, we talk about this weeks video, talk about what we are playing now and answer your questions.
December 13 2008 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Jeremy Petter, Matt Wiggins, Morgan vanHumbeck commodoreHUSTLE 003 - Critical Audio
The weekly LRRcast, we talk about this weeks video, talk about what we are playing now and answer your questions.
December 07 2008 LRRcast None Audio
The weekly LRRcast, we talk about this weeks video, talk about what we are playing now and answer your questions.
November 25 2008 LRRcast None Audio
Short one this week as the crew gears up for the Desert Bus for Hope.
November 16 2008 LRRcast None Audio
A half-strength crew is on deck this week. Thanks, Blizzard.
November 08 2008 LRRcast None Audio
The weekly LRRcast, we talk about this weeks video, talk about what we are playing now and answer your questions.
November 01 2008 LRRcast None Audio
The weekly LRRcast, we talk about this weeks video, talk about what we are playing now and answer your questions.
October 25 2008 LRRcast None Audio
The weekly LRRcast, we talk about this weeks video, talk about what we are playing now and answer your questions.

Season Five

Title LRRcasters Featured Video Format
October 22 2008 LRRcast None Audio
The weekly LRRcast, we talk about this weeks video, talk about what we are playing now and answer your questions.
October 13 2008 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, James Turner, Ben Wilkinson Rapidfire II - 03 Audio
The weekly LRRcast, we talk about this weeks video, talk about what we are playing now and answer your questions.
October 04 2008 LRRcast Paul Saunders, Morgan vanHumbeck, Jeremy Petter, James Turner, Matt Wiggins The LHC Audio
The weekly LRRcast, we talk about this weeks video, talk about what we are playing now and answer your questions.
September 28 2008 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Morgan vanHumbeck, Jeremy Petter Rapidfire II - 02 Audio
Late-night, low-key podcast time. Now with new technology.
September 20 2008 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Morgan vanHumbeck, Tim Sevenhuysen, Jeremy Petter, Bill Watt Easy Bake Spore Audio
The weekly LRRcast, we talk about this weeks video, talk about what we are playing now and answer your questions.
September 13 2008 LRRcast None Audio
The weekly LRRcast, we talk about this weeks video, talk about what we are playing now and answer your questions.
September 08 2008 LRRcast None Audio
The weekly LRRcast, we talk about this weeks video, talk about what we are playing now and answer your questions.
September 03 2008 LRRcast Graham Stark, Jeremy Petter, Paul Saunders, Matt Wiggins, Tim Sevenhuysen, Bill Watt, James Turner, Morgan vanHumbeck 'Movie' Movies Movie Audio
The weekly LRRcast, we talk about this weeks video, talk about what we are playing now and answer your questions.
August 23 2008 LRRcast None Audio
Now coming to you on a different day!
August 14 2008 LRRcast None Audio
LRR weekly Podcast. We talk about this weeks video and what we are playing now. PLUS! We answer your questions.
August 7 2008 LRRcast None Audio
LRR weekly Podcast. We talk about this weeks video and what we are playing now. And answer your questions.
July 31 2008 LRRcast None Audio
The weekly LRRcast. We chat about the video, briefly about what we are playing now and answer your questions.
July 25 2008 LRRcast None Audio
Weekly podcast, but with a off site guest appearance.
July 19 2008 LRRcast None Audio
Featuring, of course, Bill. And Jer, Paul and Graham. But, most importantly, the big man talks about writing his first video.
July 10 2008 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Morgan vanHumbeck, James Turner, Matt Wiggins, Bill Watt Right to the Source Audio
The weekly LRRcast. We talk about the video, what we are playing now and answer your questions.
July 3 2008 LRRcast None Audio
Weekly LRRcast.
June 26 2008 LRRcast None Audio
The weekly LRRcast. We talk about the video, what we are playing now and answer your questions.
June 21 2008 LRRcast None Audio
Bills joins in one the Podcast fun this week as we go over the usual sweetness that is us :P
June 12 2008 LRRcast None Audio
June 5 2008 LRRcast None Audio
Weekly LRR podcast. We discuss the video, what we are playing now and answer a couple questions from our forum goers.
May 29 2008 LRRcast None Audio
James, Graham and Paul discuss this weeks video, talk some video games and answer your questions.
May 22 2008 LRRcast None Audio
Hey everybody it's Bagel Time Podcast Time, time!
May 15 2008 LRRcast None Audio
Graham & Paul take the podcast to the old school.
May 9 2008 LRRcast None Audio
Attack of the audio problem!
May 1 2008 LRRcast None Audio
The weekly LRR Podcast. The video, what we are playing now and ASKLRR are discussed.
April 25 2008 LRRcast None Audio
The weekly LRR Podcast. We chat about the video, what we are playing now and answer your questions.
April 18 2008 LRRcast None Audio
In defense of blasphemy: It's amusing.
April 10 2008 LRRcast Graham Stark, Kate Stark, Paul Saunders, Matt Wiggins, James Turner Customer Servicing Audio
Kate Joins in on the podcast in what will go down in history as the LAMEST podcast ever... cause Kate was there.
April 3 2008 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Matt Wiggins Unnatural Resources Audio
Podcast with only Matt, Graham and Paul.
March 27 2008 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, James Turner, Ben Wilkinson Assessment Audio
Good ol Podcast.
March 20 2008 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Matt Wiggins, Morgan vanHumbeck, Jeremy Petter, James Turner Format War Audio
I suppose I could type the same old info but instead I will let you in on a little secret... yah I got nothing. Enjoy the LRRCast.
March 13 2008 LRRcast None Audio
Raymond joins us in the LRRcast. In fact most everyone is here.
March 6 2008 LRRcast None Audio
I wasn't at the recording of this podcast so i have no idea what is going on. Enjoy.
February 28 2008 LRRcast James Turner, Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Jeremy Petter, Matt Wiggins The Con Audio
James, Graham, Paul, Jer and Matt talky talky.
February 22 2008 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Jeremy Petter, James Turner Ways to Keep Warm Audio
Me, Jeremy, Graham and Paul Discuss... stuff.
February 14 2008 LRRcast None Audio
Me, Matt, Paul and Graham Podcast it up!
February 7 2008 LRRcast None Audio
A full podcast with almost everyone in the mix!
January 30 2008 LRRcast None Audio
Morgan and Bill aren't present, but we manage to get by.
January 24 2008 LRRcast None Audio
Matt and Jer couldn't make it to the LRRcast, but the 5 of us still find time to talk for about an hour.
January 16 2008 LRRcast None Audio
The Weekly LRR Podcast. We talk about the video, what were playing now and answer your questions.
January 10 2008 LRRcast None Audio
The Weekly LRR Podcast. We talk about the video, what were playing now and answer your questions.
January 2 2008 LRRcast None Audio
Alex, Raymond and Kathleen join in on this weeks LRRcast.
December 26 2007 LRRcast None Audio
Merry Christmas everyone, my present to you is a LRRCAST.
December 20 2007 LRRcast None Audio
Good ol' Podcast, err I mean LRRcast.
December 13 2007 LRRcast None Audio
Regular old podcast. Video, WWPN and ASKLRR.
December 5 2007 LRRcast None Audio
The LRRcast features: A quick rundown of the past weeks video, we talk about what we are playing and answer questions asked in the ASKLRR thread.
November 22 2007 LRRcast None Audio
The video is discussed, along with some WWPN and ASKLRR.
November 16 2007 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Matt Wiggins, Jeremy Petter, Kathleen De Vere, Morgan vanHumbeck, James Turner The Truce Audio
Kathleen visits for The Truce, WWPN and ASKlrr.
November 8 2007 LRRcast Jeremy Petter, Paul Saunders, Graham Stark, James Turner, Morgan vanHumbeck, Matt Wiggins CSI: CSI Audio
Talk of Iron Stomach Challenge and AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!
October 31 2007 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, James Turner, Jeremy Petter, Matt Wiggins Trick or DOOM Audio
ooOOOoooo, it's a spooky Lrrcast. (Secret: It's not very spooky).
October 25 2007 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Matt Wiggins, Jeremy Petter, James Turner The Ballad of the Fanboy Audio
Video, games, questions, and a new challenge!

Season Four

Title LRRcasters Featured Video Format
October 18 2007 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, James Turner, Jeremy Petter, Matt Wiggins The Season 4 Finale Audio
We talk about our dads, the video and, for some reason, how Matt organizes his video game collection.
October 10 2007 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Jeremy Petter, Morgan vanHumbeck, Matt Wiggins, James Turner Bump in the Night Audio
Same old time, Same old channel.
October 3 2007 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Jeremy Petter, Morgan vanHumbeck, Matt Wiggins, James Turner, Ben Wilkinson The Divorce Audio
Podcasty Goodness. I really don't know what to put here anymore :|
September 26 2007 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Jeremy Petter, Morgan vanHumbeck, Adam Savidan, James Turner, Ben Wilkinson Halo: The Future of Gaming Audio
We talk about that video, about that video game a couple people are talking about.
September 20 2007 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Jeremy Petter, Morgan vanHumbeck, Matt Wiggins, James Turner Pull Yourself Together Audio
HI-DEF PODCAST! Well not really. But you get the idea.
September 12 2007 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Jeremy Petter, Morgan vanHumbeck, Matt Wiggins, James Turner The Secret Life of Toast Audio
If you are wondering about the secrets of last weeks video look no further. This is the podcast for you.
September 5 2007 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Jeremy Petter, Tally Heilke, Morgan vanHumbeck, Matt Wiggins, James Turner Bioshocked Audio
Podcast goodness.
August 30 2007 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, James Turner, Morgan vanHumbeck Keytars Audio
Podcast minus 3 (if you wanna count Ben as a person)
August 22 2007 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Jeremy Petter, Morgan vanHumbeck, Matt Wiggins, James Turner, Ben Wilkinson Somebody Has to Change Audio
Same old podcast, all new location!
August 15 2007 LRRcast Matt Wiggins, Graham Stark, Ben Wilkinson, Morgan vanHumbeck, Paul Saunders, James Turner, Jeremy Petter Rebellin' Audio
Back on track with the regular podcast. This week on LRRcast we discuss just how much we all rock your faces off.
August 9 2007 LRRcast Matt Wiggins, Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, James Turner, Morgan vanHumbeck, Ben Wilkinson Waiting for Harry Audio
The Harry Potter Video, Our collective trips, WWPN and Trivia.
July 18 2007 LRRcast None Audio
Alex joins us this week. But in the flesh!
July 12 2007 LRRcast None Audio
No Graham this week but we manage to get through.
July 4 2007 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Bill Watt, Matt Wiggins, Jeremy Petter, James Turner A Part of Our Heritage Audio
Transformers, LRRCAST. What could else could you need on this 4th of July.
June 27 2007 LRRcast None Audio
June 21 2007 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Bill Watt, Matt Wiggins, James Turner iPhone Alternative Audio
You asked and you shall receive. This podcast with 10x the witty banter.
June 13 2007 LRRcast None Audio
Things were talked about fun was had by all. Not me though. I wasn't there.
June 8 2007 LRRcast None Audio
Listen and learn the secret of life and finally we reveal why matt talks like he does.
May 31 2007 LRRcast Alex Steacy, Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Bill Watt, Matt Wiggins, Jeremy Petter, James Turner Rejected WiiPlay Games Audio
We finally get Alex in on a podcast.
May 23 2007 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Jeremy Petter, James Turner, Bill Watt, Kathleen De Vere, Ash Vickers Pillow Fight '07 Audio
May 17 2007 LRRcast None Audio
What a fantastic LRRcast. Everyone should listen and be enlightened!
May 11 2007 LRRcast None Audio
May 2 2007 LRRcast None Audio
All the usual suspects, but now with Ash! She doesn't say much, but trust us, she was there.
April 25 2007 LRRcast None Audio
ZOMG ITS ANDY! Listen to what he has to say about Matt's Obsession with Linen Cloth and Beef Jerky.... Also all that regular stuff we talk about.
April 18 2007 LRRcast None Audio
A fairly standard LRRcast. But with a twist ending? Listen and find out.
LRRcast for The Deal None Audio
Low turnout, but no lack of talking. The Deal, WWPN, and the next LRR Challenge.
April 5 2007 LRRcast None Audio
Just you wait you fools. Soon the day will be ours! Also heres the podcast :)
March 30 2007 LRRcast None Audio
Talk a bit about this weeks video. A fairly long WWPN and a couple star trek question in ASKLRR that almost broke us up :P
March 22 2007 LRRcast None Audio
Talk about the video, What were playing now and some ASKLRR.
March 14 2007 LRRcast None Audio
Body Swap Shop Talk, WWPN and ASKLRR. More at eleven.
March 7 2007 LRRcast None Audio
Cosplay fun, What we be playing and some AskLRR.
February 28 2007 LRRcast None Audio
We chit chat about the video. And the same old. You know the drill. Listen, Learn, WIN!!
February 22 2007 LRRcast None Audio
Learn how we did those CRAZY effects in the video. Some Talk of WiiPlay and ASKLRR. Plus a new LRRCast exclusive trivia question!
February 14 2007 LRRcast None Audio
Talk about the video, minus the cast cept Paul. Some WWPN and some ASKLRR. Another chance at the trivia question.
February 7 2007 LRRcast None Audio
Talk about the video, Do we play D&D??, ASKLRR and much much more!
February 2 2007 LRRcast Jeremy Petter, Matt Wiggins, Paul Saunders, Graham Stark Nanaimo Road Trip 2 Audio
The road trip, games that aren't WoW, new trivia.
January 24 2007 LRRcast Bill Watt, Matt Wiggins, James Turner Toilet Humour, Hyperchondria Audio
Talk about the last two vids. Some Burning Crusade is discussed and more of your question.
January 17 2007 LRRcast Jeremy Petter, Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Matt Wiggins, Bill Watt Morning After Audio
Recorded last week. Oops. Video, gaming and more Q&A abound!
January 4 2007 LRRcast James Turner, Matt Wiggins, Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Bill Watt, Morgan vanHumbeck Three PS3s, It's a Wonderful Game, Ways to Get in Shape Audio
We chat about a couple videos, learn what we are playing now and we answer more of your questions.
December 21 2006 LRRcast Paul Saunders, Graham Stark, Jeremy Petter, James Turner, Morgan vanHumbeck, Bill Watt, Matt Wiggins Is Paul's Boyfriend Cheating? Audio
GMQ fake out, and a lot more AskLRR questions. Like, a lot.
December 15 2006 LRRcast None Audio
EZ Industries and LRL, a lot of Q&A, extra looooong.
December 1 2006 LRRcast None

November 22 2006 LRRcast None Audio
Playstation 3 Launch, Nintendo Wii Launch, LRRcast's first Flashback.
November 15 2006 LRRcast None Audio
Talk of Sound Wars, The Whatever Thing, and a lot of chatter about FF12.
November 8 2006 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Matt Wiggins, James Turner, Morgan vanHumbeck, Jeremy Petter Fun With Condoms Audio
Such glorious times with such an amazing little bit of rubber. WHATS THAT OUT THE WINDOW!. There is also some talk of FF12.
November 1 2006 LRRcast None Audio
This week we talk about all things ZOMGies, Morgan finally decides to join us and Jer rambles about PSU as we all try and keep our selfs awake... A BURN!
October 20 2006 LRRcast None Audio
Adam Joins us for a podcast, 64k, Those games we play (both video and RL), Still damn long.

Season Three

Title LRRcasters Featured Video Format
October 13 2006 LRRcast None Audio
LETS GET READY TO RUMBLE!! With podcasting goodness.
October 6 2006 LRRcast None Audio
Good ol' Story guy, Talks about some stuffers, God we are sooo boring.
September 29 2006 LRRcast Jeremy Petter, Matt Wiggins, Morgan vanHumbeck, James Turner, Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Bill Watt, Adam Savidan The Worst Homosexual Audio
Someone New to the podcast, The Worst Homosexual, Thats Morgan by the way, What we are playing.
September 22 2006 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, James Turner, Kathleen De Vere, Bill Watt, Ashley Turner Job Hunt Audio
There are girls in the podcast...ewww, Job Hunt, We are still playing video games...and your going to hear about it!! And no mention of LRL!! except this...DAMNIT!
September 15 2006 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Morgan vanHumbeck, Matt Wiggins, Jeremy Petter, Bill Watt, James Turner How to Talk like a Pirate Audio
First time with Everyone, Talk Like a Pirate, What we be playing, I like Cheese.
September 8 2006 LRRcast Graham Stark, Matt Wiggins, Paul Saunders, James Turner, Jeremy Petter, Morgan vanHumbeck Rapidfire: Episode 4 Audio
Everyone but Bill, Rapid Fire 4, Way to god damn long, James First Podcast.
September 1 2006 LRRcast Graham Stark, Jeremy Petter, Paul Saunders, Bill Watt, Morgan vanHumbeck, Matt Wiggins Small Time 2, AWESOME:We ... Shot This!, Vancouver Zombie Walk 2006, LoadingReadyLIVE! Audio
Everyone but James, Small Time 2, AWESOME, Zombie Walk, a LOT of talk of LoadingReadyLIVE, a lot.
August 11 2006 LRRcast Jeremy Petter, Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Matt Wiggins, Bill Watt, Kathleen De Vere, Ash Vickers Rejected 'Get a Mac' Ads Audio
Jeremy, Graham, Paul, Matt, Bill, Kathleen, Ash, the Get a Mac FIASCO, lots of games, LIVE update.
August 4 2006 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Jeremy Petter, James Turner, Bill Watt Rapidfire: Episode 3 Audio
Graham, Paul, Jer, James & Bill, live animals, Rapidfire, fresh beets, wackiness, Dofus, other games, LoadingReadyLIVE.
July 28 2006 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Morgan vanHumbeck, Bill Watt Snakes on the Town, Serious Cravings Audio
Graham, Paul, Morgan & Bill, upper decking, Serious Cravings, Snakes on the Town, WHAM/George Michael/sleeping with men, LoadingReadyLIVE, Portal/Narbtacular Drop/Prey, many Pauls.
July 14 2006 LRRcast Graham Stark, Morgan vanHumbeck, Bill Watt, Jeremy Petter Small Time Audio
Graham, Morgan, Bill & Jer, Small Time, putting off videos, the evils of D&D, LoadingReadyLIVE, lots and lots and lots of video games, what we've played in the past and what we're playing now.
July 7 2006 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Morgan vanHumbeck, Bill Watt Rapidfire: Episode 2 Audio
Graham, Paul, Morgan & Bill, Canadaman Adventures, costumes in public, Rapidfire 2, video games etc, Pirates.
June 30 2006 LRRcast Graham Stark, Morgan vanHumbeck, Bill Watt Canadaman Audio
Graham, Morgan & Bill, Canadaman, silly outfits, awkward shooting, WoW addiction, Superman, Transformers.
June 23 2006 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Morgan vanHumbeck, Matt Wiggins, Lissette Arevalo Rapidfire: Episode 1 Audio
Graham, Paul, Morgan, Matt & Lissette, laundry, G's messy room, Rapidfire, facial hair, Mario Bros, Tomb Raider, DotA, VG carpal tunnel, Mario 64 dissin', Casino Royale, being "mellow", going overtime.
June 16 2006 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Matt Wiggins, Morgan vanHumbeck Life is Like a Movie Audio
Graham, Paul, Matt & Morgan, Life is Like a Video, more Hitman, WoW, human pachinko, off-topic, DS Lite, Matt's VG collection, Tokyo Drift, Nacho Libre, BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!
June 9 2006 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders Now in HD! Audio
Graham & Paul, HD and the new camera, Hitman, DVD update.
June 2 2006 LRRcast Graham Stark, Kathleen De Vere, Paul Saunders OMG! Bears! Audio
Graham, Kathleen & Paul, bears, Digital Devil Saga, Hell, writing styles, selling out.
May 26 2006 LRRcast Graham Stark, Kathleen De Vere Nuntastic Audio
Graham & Kathleen, Chetwynd, Nuntastic, cats, a book, other junk.
May 19 2006 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders CCYD Audio
Graham & Paul, long distance, CCYD, Commodore copyright, Graham's sister, RSS.
May 12 2006 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Morgan vanHumbeck, James Turner Underpantaloons Audio
Graham, Paul, Morgan & James, this week's video, Morgan's body, a montage, Commodore Eye of the Tiger, general insanity.
May 5 2006 LRRcast Graham Stark, Paul Saunders Wyy Audio
This week's video, its concept, shooting and fart jokes, more on the new codec.
LRRcast for Hagiography Today Graham Stark, Paul Saunders Hagiography Today Audio
About the podcast, the origins of LoadingReadyRun, background info on "Hagiography Today", new video codec.


The LRRcast features several repeat jokes.

  • Bill frequently claims to be Paul in the LRRcasts, but with an epiphet or adjective modifier in front of the name: "Tall Paul", "Sick Paul", "Loud Paul", etc.
  • Most LRRcasts start and end with that dialogue that relates the covered videos with podcasts.
  • Repeat enthasis of one line.
  • Matt saying that AskLRR is the favourate part of the podcast.
  • "I'm playing ..." with various non-games like books, TV and others.
  • There are many internets.