Santa Drugs

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Occupy the North Pole and Nigerians get into poop sifting.

Vital Statistics

"CUT! We're out. This show's gone too far."

Date: November 9, 2011

Category: Feed Dump

Host: Graham Stark

Cohosts: Matt Wiggins, James Turner, Kathleen De Vere

Edited by: Graham Stark


  • News Word of the Week: Snooze
  • A petition has been circulating to prevent Nickelback from playing at halftime at a Detroit Lions game.
  • A man wanted on drug charges was arrested on Halloween wearing an inmate costume.
  • The county executive of Suffolk County, New York decided they couldn't afford $660 to pay a veteran to play Santa Claus.
  • A Nigerian comedian arrested on drug charges was freed after nothing illegal was found in his poop.
    • James and Matt have to figure out what's in this Nigerian's poop.

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