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Not to be confused with Crapshots Ep.225 - The Rent.

Alternate payment plans can be helpful.

Vital Statistics


Date: September 5, 2011

Category: Shorts

Appearing: Graham Stark, Tim Sevenhuysen, Paul Saunders (uncredited), James Turner (uncredited)

Writing: Graham Stark

Camera: James Turner

Boom: Cameron Lauder, Kathleen De Vere

Sound: Paul Saunders

Edited by: Graham Stark


Instead of paying 800 dollars a month in rent, the landlord demands the tenant pays with the first Monday of every month.


  • This is Tim's first appearance since leaving the crew after short appearances in CommodoreHUSTLE 017 - It's Magic.
  • A Stitch and Bitch as mentioned by Paul in the stinger is another term for a knitting club.
Season Eight     Shorts

◀ ●∙∙∙More Sleep     Whole Story - Fire Hydrants ∙∙∙● ▶
Watch Rent on LRR     Discuss Rent on LRR
Watch Rent on the Escapist     Discuss Rent on the Escapist
LRRcast: LRRcast for Rent the Whole Annette