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The video page on Loadingreadyrun.com links to a video formerly hosted on the Escapist, but the video can be found here.

Turns out everything is corporately owned these days.

Vital Statistics


Date: November 7, 2011

Category: Shorts

Appearing: Graham Stark, Kathleen De Vere, Matt Wiggins

Writing: Graham Stark

Camera: Paul Saunders

Boom: Kate Stark

Edited by: Graham Stark


After a sponsorship deal with Christ falls through, Christ Church Cathedral makes a deal with Dave Buchanan (glory be to Him) to become West Coast Marine Cathedral.


Season Eight     Shorts

◀ ●∙∙∙CommodoreHUSTLE 023 - Roll for Treats     CommodoreHUSTLE 024 - Rarelywinter ∙∙∙● ▶
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