Oki Oki Fight Club

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Oki Oki Fight Club is a weekly Fighting Game stream airing Friday at 9am PST/12pm EST/5pm GMT.

YouTube Playlist

The video playlist for Oki Oki Fight Club can be found on the LRR Streams YouTube Channel.

Oki Oki Fight Club YouTube Playlist.

List of Episodes


Date Title Link
2025-02-07 Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising Ep3 Link
Rise and Shine gamers it's time for Oki Oki Fight Club
2025-01-30 Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising Ep2 Link
Nelly and Adam AND BEN are here and they're trying GranBlue
2025-01-24 Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising Ep1 Link

2025-01-17 Street Fighter 6 Ep68 Link
fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting
2025-01-03 Street Fighter 6 Ep67 Link
Time for Oki


Date Title Link
2024-12-27 Street Fighter 6 Ep66 Link

2024-12-20 Street Fighter 6 Ep65 Link

2024-12-13 Street Fighter 6 Ep64 Link
is fight time
2024-12-06 Street Fighter 6 Ep63 Link

2024-11-29 Street Fighter 6 Ep62 Link
Quick get in here Adam's at home so Jacob and Nelly might be running Oki Oki into the ground
2024-11-22 Street Fighter 6 Ep61 Link
Thank God It's Overdrive Dragonpunch on Oki Oki Fight Club
2024-11-06 Street Fighter 6 Ep60 Link
tune in now for Oki Oki Fight Club, brought to you by Wednesday and Seasonal Schedule Adjustments
2024-11-02 Street Fighter 6 Ep59 Link

2024-10-25 Street Fighter 6 Ep58 Link

2024-10-18 Street Fighter 6 Ep57 Link
let's play Street fighter 6 on Oki Oki Fight Club. I'll think of a clever tweet next week.
2024-10-09 Street Fighter 6 Ep56 Link
good morning gamers! it's time for Oki Oki Fight Club!
2024-10-04 Street Fighter 6 Ep55 Link
Punchin' time! Jacob and Nelly are flying solo for Oki Oki Fight Club! It's going to be... a time.
2024-09-27 Street Fighter 6 Ep54 Link
Another Friday morning, another chance to play some Street Fighter 6 on Oki Oki Fight Club!
2024-09-20 Street Fighter 6 Ep53 Link
wake up babe new going live tweet just dropped. Oki Oki Fight Club
2024-09-06 Street Fighter 6 Ep52 Link
Another Friday, another Oki Oki Fight Club. It's time for some more Street Fighter 6 with Jacob and Adam.
2024-08-30 Street Fighter 6 Ep51 Link

2024-08-23 Street Fighter 6 Ep50 Link

2024-08-16 2XKO Alpha Link
Today on Oki Oki Fight Club, Nelson is checking out his first Tag Fighter in the 2XKO Alpha. Adam is also here.
2024-08-09 Street Fighter 6 Ep49 Link

2024-08-02 Street Fighter 6 Ep48 Link
Trying out a new catchphrase, let us know what you think. It's Knuckle Time! How's that? Is that anything? Oki Oki Fight Club is now!
2024-07-26 Street Fighter 6 Ep47 Link
enter the battle arena with Nelly and Adam today on Okay Okie dokie alright son Fight Club
2024-07-12 Street Fighter 6 Ep46 Link

2024-06-28 Street Fighter 6 Ep45 Link
It's okay if you're Bi-Son. Happy Pride! 🏳️‍🌈 Oki Oki Fight Club with Adam and Jacob is now!
2024-06-21 Street Fighter 6 Ep44 Link
come one come all to mr Oki's fantabulous Fighting Association!
2024-06-14 Street Fighter 6 Ep43 Link
If Ryu spoke Gaelic, it would be called a Fado-ken. Oki Oki Fight Club is live!
2024-06-07 Street Fighter 6 Ep42 Link
Oki Oki is back for the first stream of SF6 Season 2!
2024-05-10 The Footsies Handbook Link
Today on Oki Oki Fight Club, we go through the Footsies Handbook into some mashing later.
2024-05-03 Killer Instinct Link
With Season 2 of Street Fighter 6 a few weeks away, we figured we'd take a break for a little bit and dust off 2013 classic Killer Instinct.
2024-04-26 Street Fighter 6 Ep41 Link
it's time to break the first two rules of Oki Oki Fight Club and talk through our street struggles
2024-04-19 Street Fighter 6 Ep40 Link
There's never been an honest fighting game except for the one I'm the best at. Friday = Oki Oki Fight Club.
2024-04-12 Street Fighter 6 Ep38 Link
Show footsies. Time for Oki Oki Fight Club with Adam and Jacob!
2024-04-06 Street Fighter 6 Ep37 Link
Time for punch and kick! A special Saturday Oki Oki Fight Club starts now! Join us!
2024-03-29 Street Fighter 6 Ep36 Link
everybody was kung fu fighting
2024-03-22 Street Fighter 6 Ep35 Link
Time for the honest, grounded neutral that the Street Fightergames have always been known for.
2024-03-15 Street Fighter 6 Ep34 Link
does your mom still hang out at dockside bars? do you like punching, son?
2024-03-08 Street Fighter 6 Ep33 Link
it's time for Oki Oki Fight Club, where Jacob and Nelly continue their quest for glory under Adam's careful tutelage
2024-03-01 Street Fighter 6 Ep32 Link
It's time to talk about Fight Club! Oki Oki Fight Club with Adam, Nelson, and Jacob is now!
2024-02-27 Tekken 8 Ep3 Link
Horror games are cancelled for this Tuesday only. Adam is jamming some Tekken 8 for this Tuesday only.
2024-02-23 Tekken 8 Ep2 & Street Fighter 6 Ep31 Link
Doing a split shift on Oki Oki Fight Club today: Adam is going to fumble his way through some Tekken 8 and then we'll play some SF6 whenever Jacob arrives.
2024-02-16 Street Fighter 6 Ep30 Link

2024-02-09 Street Fighter 6 Ep29 Link
Jacob and Nelly have somehow earned enough trust to run a stream. it's Oki Oki Fight Time!
2024-02-02 Street Fighter 6 Ep28 Link

2024-01-27 Tekken 8 Ep1 Link
Today on a Saturday version of Oki Oki Fight Club, Adam is checking out Tekken 8 for the first time. He will be finding every excuse to dodge the "you'll play King" allegations. He'll even pick a character he hates.
2024-01-19 Street Fighter 6 Ep27 Link

2024-01-12 Street Fighter 6 Ep26 Link
Time for another Friday of Oki Oki Fight Club, where we're heading back into SF6 to see how Nelson and Jacob have progressed.
2024-01-05 Guilty Gear Strive Link
Very special Oki Oki Fight Club this morning! Adam is going to learn how to play Guilty Gear Strive with LordKnightBB Smell of the game etc etc


Date Title Link
2023-12-29 Street Fighter 6 Ep26 Link
Last Friday of the year means last Oki Oki Fight Club of the year.
2023-12-22 Street Fighter 6 Ep25 Link
it's oki oki o'clock and today nelson and adam play street fighter
2023-12-15 Street Fighter 6 Ep24 Link
It's Friday so that means it's time to boot up some Street Fighter 6 on Oki Oki Fight Club! It's getting pretty close to the holidays so let's see if Santa will leave some plus frames under the tree.
2023-12-08 Street Fighter 6 Ep23 Link
It's Friday so that means it's time to watch some Oki Oki Fight club while you league start in Path of Exile on the main monitor
2023-12-01 Street Fighter 6 Ep22 Link
New outfits are out for all of your favourite Street Fighter 6 characters and Marisa has a wedding dress and we will not be taking any further questions at this time. Today we have Jacob and Nelson with Adam.
2023-11-24 Street Fighter 6 Ep21 Link
On this twitch channel, in this house, on this particular Street Fighter 6 stream: We don't believe in playing neutral. Drive rush cr mp, Honda Headbutt, mashing SPD's are what constitutes as peak performance.
2023-11-02 Street Fighter 6 Ep20 Link
Babe wake up, Oki Oki Fight Club are working on self improvement (Rescheduled due to PPR)
2023-10-27 Street Fighter 6 Ep19 Link
Today on Oki Oki Fight Club, we learn how to begin building an offensive flowchart.
2023-10-20 Street Fighter 6 Ep18 Link
The Oki Oki boys are back with special guest Jacob Burgess to jam a lam some ding-dongs*
*ding dongs is not a standard FGC term*
2023-09-29 Street Fighter 6 Ep17 Link
“Our greatest weakness lies in not mashing when we are minus. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” – Thomas A. Edison. Aki Aki Fight Club is here.
2023-09-22 Street Fighter 6 Ep16 Link
It's Friday morning and that means it's time for Oki Oki Fight Club! Today Adam is running solo, so we all know what that means. *taps microphone* Sandblast.
2023-09-15 Street Fighter 6 Ep15 Link

2023-09-08 Street Fighter 6 Ep14 Link

2023-09-01 Street Fighter 6 Ep13 Link
Another Friday morning, another morning on the streets with Ben, Wheeler, Nelson and Adam on Oki Oki Fight Club. Today we make a tier list on which characters would be the best guests on a PrePreRelease.
2023-08-25 Street Fighter 6 Ep12 Link

2023-08-18 Street Fighter 6 Ep11 Link

2023-08-11 Street Fighter 6 Ep10 Link

2023-08-04 Street Fighter 6 Ep9 Link

2023-07-28 Street Fighter 6 Ep8 Link
Oki Oki Fight Club is back and Wheeler has made it clear he has some surprises in store for his progress on Lily in SF6. My guess? Found out how to taunt.
2023-07-22 Street Fighter 6 Ep7 Link
Today on Oki Oki Fight Club, Wheeler Condor Dives into ranked matches, and Adam is praying he runs into Johnny Donuts.
2023-07-14 Street Fighter 6 Ep6 Link
Did someone say fight? Hope you like frame data. It’s OKI OKI FIGHT CLUB!
2023-07-07 Street Fighter 6 Ep5 Link
Wake up and get your butts to the training ground, it's time for Oki Oki Fight Club!
2023-06-30 Street Fighter 6 Ep4 (continued from Bonus Stream) Link
It's time for LRR's official fighting game stream, Oki Oki Fight Club! Get in here and let's learn and laugh
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∙∙∙●  Ongoing Shows:
Play It Forward (Varies) · Can't Draw Horses Club (Mon 1 PM) · Crossing the Streams (Mon 5 PM) · Mine O'Clock (Tue 10 AM) · Talking Simulator (Tue 1:30 PM) · Let’s NOPE! (Tue 5 PM) · Watch+Play (Alt Wed 2 PM) · AFK (Wed 5 PM) · LRRMtG (Thur 2 PM) · Tinker Tailor Solder Fry (Alt Thur 5 PM) · The Long Game (Alt Thur 5 PM) · Oki Oki Fight Club (Fri 9 AM) · ChillPoint (Fri 2 PM) · Friday Night Paper Fight (Fri 5 PM) · LoadingReadyLIVE (Once per month Sat 6 PM) · Brave New Faves (Sat 9:30PM on /bravenewfaves) · Is This Your Card? (Sun 8 AM) · Rhythm Cafe (Sun 4 PM)

∙∙∙●  Irregular Shows:
...One More? · Bonus Stream · Chit Chaff · Dice Friends · FamJam · LRRTech · Pre-Prerelease · The Crapshoot

∙∙∙●  Retired Shows:
18 Games ...and Counting · A Swiftly Tilting Cameron · Adam's Gamehaüs · Beej's Backlog · Games of Chance · Graham & Paul Let's Play · Heather's Handhelds · House of Stark · I, Horner · IDDQDerp · Kathleen Saves the World · Matters of Import · NewDay TewsDay · Now Kiss! · The Book of Passwords · Things on my Stream · Video Games with Video James

All times are Moonbase Time