Nanaimo Road Trip

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This video link for this video on LoadingReadyRun is a Quicktime format file hosted on LRR. This was LRR's primary form of video hosting from 2003 to 2006, before the emergence of Revver, Blip or LRR's primary use of Youtube. Most modern browsers no longer support playing Quicktime videos. The video can be downloaded from the main page.

So we went to this film festival... and we had a couple cameras... so... yeah.

Vital Statistics

Nanaimo Road Trip

Date: January 27, 2006

Category: On Location

Appearing: Lissette Arevalo, Jeremy Petter, Paul Saunders, Graham Stark, Kate Stark, James Turner, Morgan vanHumbeck, Bill Watt, Matt Wiggins

Edited by: Graham Stark

Music: 1337, Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen)

Thanks To: John, Johnny Blakeborough, VISFF


Some of LRR's videos will be appearing in a film festival being held in Nanaimo. The problem's that LRR is in Victoria. Solution? Road Trip! Fun is had by all (Operation Chemainus is a complete success) and LRR picks up some awards.


  • This was the first video to feature all of the primary (at the time) cast members.
    • Kathleen had not yet been added to the main cast at the time this was shot.
Season Three     On Location

◀ ●∙∙∙Black Box     Laundry ∙∙∙● ▶
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