Morning After

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The video page on links to a video formerly hosted on Blip, but the video can be found here.

New Years Resolution: Find out what happened on New Years.

Vital Statistics

Morning After

Date: January 5, 2007

Category: Shorts

Appearing: Morgan vanHumbeck, Kathleen De Vere, James Turner, Jeremy Petter, Paul Saunders, Bill Watt, Matt Wiggins, Michelle Stark, Ashley Allman, Ben Wilkinson

Writing: Johnny_Lunchbox

Camera: Graham Stark

Edited by: Graham Stark


Morgan has some trouble remembering what happened during New Year's Eve. Morgan thinks there was lots of beer; there was - until he drank it all before anyone else showed up. Morgan thought he made out with a hot chick - only she was only doing it to get back at her ex-boyfriend. He only learned that he lost a fight to the ex-boyfriend the morning after. Morgan thought that he fulfilled every man's fantasy: to go home with two women - only he was dragged home by two of his female friends.


  • For years, Michelle Stark and Graham believed they were not related, until they discovered they were third cousins at a family reunion.
Season Four     Shorts

◀ ●∙∙∙Ways to Get in Shape     Toilet Humour ∙∙∙● ▶
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