Mobile Homes

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Houses that move on wheels.

Vital Statistics

Mobile Homes

Date: April 9, 2004

Category: On Location

Appearing: Graham Stark, Paul Saunders

Camera: Graham Stark, Paul Saunders

Edited by: Graham Stark

Music: Mike Shumlich

Location: Oak Bay


Several houses are moved through the streets of Oak Bay onto a barge. Graham and Paul there to report on one of the most exciting things to ever happen in Oak Bay.


  • There is still a fridge in one of the houses.
  • Multiple "wide load" signs were needed.
  • The sign remained incorrect for three months after Paul changed it.
  • This was shot about a year before it was shown on the site.
Season One     On Location

◀ ●∙∙∙Evil Corp.     The Dungeoneers: Episode 1 ∙∙∙● ▶
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