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This video page on LoadingReadyRun links to a video formerly hosted on the Escapist. The video has not been officially reposted to an alternate host, and is currently unavailable on primary hosts.

Seriously. I've to tell you this story. You won't even.

Vital Statistics

"You can quote that."

Date: January 23, 2012

Category: Shorts

Appearing: Graham Stark, Ben Wilkinson

Writing: Graham Stark

Camera: Paul Saunders

Boom: James Turner

Underdrawer Wrangler: Kathleen De Vere

Edited by: Graham Stark


The party was, like, this awesome ....


  • After the stinger, Graham advertises LoadingReadyRun's Twitter, Facebook and website.
  • Jonny is a spiritual successor to Story Guy; this influence is apparent from the fact that he is played by Graham, speaks directly at the camera, and tells long, frequently distracted, and ultimately pointless stories. Graham decided not to bring back the original Story Guy because the character had finished his intended arc.
  • According to a forum post by Graham, Jonny is in fact Story Guy's nephew.
Season Nine       Shorts
◀ ●∙∙∙Voluntourism       CommodoreHUSTLE 025 - Pony Time ∙∙∙● ▶

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LRRcast: LRRcast for January 2012     Loading Time: Loading Time - Here's Jonny    

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