How to End a Relationship
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A public service for those unlucky in love.
Vital Statistics
Date: May 27, 2005
Category: LRLabs
Appearing: Kathleen De Vere, Josh Hammerstedt, Dana Schwer, Graham Stark
Writing: Kathleen De Vere, Graham Stark
Camera: Graham Stark
Edited by: Graham Stark
Location: UNBC
For those of you who saw the earlier episode on "How to Impress Women" and now want out, LRLabs offers a helpful presentation on how to end a relationship, with special host Olive Snarfelburger. Relationship end techniques include: lying, telling the truth, breaking up using the phone and/or email, talking about who you are dumping them for, faking your death, getting your friend to do it, freaking them out with horrid poetry, act mentally unstable, fake bizarre fetishes, or if all else fails, murder.
- If you look closely at the reflection on the window glass in some shots, you can see the other actors running across the room.
![]() Season Two LRLabs ◀ ●∙∙∙Maniac Chase Commentary Victoria Air Guitar 2005 ∙∙∙● ▶