GPLP: Venetica

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Not to be confused with the Unskippable episode of Venetica.

Graham & Paul Let's Play: Venetica, a game of inappropriate armor and silly swordplay.

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Upload Date: July 11, 2011

Category: GPLP

The Game: Deck13 Interactive's Venetica

Found: here

Discuss: here

YT Playlist: [1]


In this twelve-part Let's Play, Graham and Paul get to know Scarlett, the daughter of Death, as she murders her way through a 16th-century-esque fantasy world of penis-helmeted assassins.



Part 1 July 11, 2011
Part 2 July 11, 2011
Part 3 July 11, 2011
Part 4 July 11, 2011
Part 5 July 11, 2011
Part 6 July 11, 2011
Part 7 July 11, 2011
Part 8 July 11, 2011
Part 9 July 11, 2011
Part 10 July 11, 2011
Part 11 July 11, 2011
Part 12 July 11, 2011
Venetica · Dante's Inferno · X-Men Destiny · Cursed Crusade · Dark