Unskippable 009 - Digital Devil Saga
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Jump to navigationJump to searchIn a crazy land of tentacled artichokes and anthropomorphic zebra monsters, Graham and Paul keep it real. This week, it's Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga.
Vital Statistics
Original Date: March 2, 2009
Re-Upload Date: August 10, 2022
Category: Unskippable
Written And Performed By: Graham Stark and Paul Saunders
A war over artichokes goes horribly wrong.
If that cat actually was Cheshire, this would be a much more colorful scene. Actually, anything beyond gray would be colorful.
- The music that Graham hums at the beginning is the base line from the theme to Doctor Who.
- "That's the combination I have on my luggage!" is from Spaceballs.
- That was the second time I died.. There are a few other references to The Darkness ("Mike Patton as The Darkness").
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