Dice Friends - Trouble in P4RA-DI5E: Episode 4
Episode Four: A new team leader gets a nice easy mission. What could go wrong?
Vital Statistics
Date: August 28, 2019
Category: Dice Friends
Campaign: Trouble in P4RA-DI5E
Game Master: Dale Friesen
Players: Kathleen De Vere as Kennedy, Ian Horner as Ira, Brendan "Beej" Dery as Blake, Coriander Dickinson as CL/444B
System: Paranoia (Red Clearance Edition)
Runtime: 2:24:45
Universal Achievements
1 XP Point
- Put in a full day’s work for the benefit of Alpha Complex.
5 XP Points
- Lead a group of people in singing “I Love Friend Computer” for ten straight days.
10 XP Points
- Tell a hundred people that Alpha Complex is warm and comfortable.*
25 XP Points
- Identify a citizen as being a member of a treasonous secret society.
- Taste ten different flavours of Bouncy Bubble Beverage.
- Visit a Sector and all six adjoining Sectors.
50 XP Points
- Bring a terrorist of a lower clearance to justice.
- Bring a terrorist to justice for the very first time.
- Report the existence and location of a dead zone.**
100 XP Points
- Bring a terrorist of your own clearance to justice.
- Confess your own treasonous acts to Friend Computer.
- Reveal a citizen as being an unregistered mutant.
200 XP Points
- Bring a terrorist of higher clearance than your own to justice.**
- Report the existence of an unknown DAIV.
* Each citizen may earn this reward only once.
** These achievements may be worth more XP points depending on the situation.
Mission Achievements
6 XP Points
- Convince someone to view one of the Shooters episodes that featured Evangelista-O.
25 XP Points
- Do something off Liam-B’s weird list.*
30 XP Points
- Keep firing after your gun runs out of ammunition.**
40 XP Points
- Knock someone out with a single punch.**
50 XP Points
- Save the day after getting maimed.**
100 XP Points
- Walk out of an explosion.**
125 XP Points
- Jump through a glass window and act like it didn’t hurt.**
150 XP Points
- Defuse a bomb with only one second left on the timer.**
175 XP Points
- Die in your best friend’s arms.** and also ***
200 XP Points
- Fly out of an explosion.**
250 XP Points
- Play a card from the RAM deck.
*Each thing on the list can only be done once.
**This must be caught on camera in order to earn the XP points.
***This doesn’t have to be your actual best friend, as long as you say it is on camera.
Ritual List from Liam-B
- Make geometric shapes (eg triangles) precisely 17.41 cm on a side.
- Spread the smell of burning hair.
- Use the numbers 19 and 47 in a repetitive ritual.
- Create a two-colour clockwise spiral precisely 3.1726 m in diameter.
- Repeat a sound that is 0.4 seconds in duration (possibly 19 or 47 times).
- Make an unusual sound that lasts for 17 minutes and 24 seconds.