Dice Friends - Trouble in P4RA-DI5E: Episode 2
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Date: 14 August, 2019
Category: Dice Friends
Campaign: Trouble in P4RA-DI5E
Game Master: Dale Friesen
Players: Kathleen De Vere as Kennedy, Ian Horner as Ira, Brendan "Beej" Dery as Blake, Jacob Burgess as Jordan
System: Paranoia (Red Clearance Edition)
Runtime: 02:23:13
Universal Achievements
1 XP Point
- Put in a full day’s work for the benefit of Alpha Complex.
10 XP Points
- Tell a hundred people that Alpha Complex is warm and comfortable.*
25 XP Points
- Identify a citizen as being a member of a treasonous secret society.
- Taste ten different flavours of Bouncy Bubble Beverage.
- Visit a Sector and all six adjoining Sectors.
50 XP Points
- Bring a terrorist of a lower clearance to justice.
- Bring a terrorist to justice for the very first time.
- Report the existence and location of a dead zone.**
100 XP Points
- Bring a terrorist of your own clearance to justice.
- Confess your own treasonous acts to Friend Computer.
- Reveal a citizen as being an unregistered mutant.
200 XP Points
- Bring a terrorist of higher clearance than your own to justice.**
- Report the existence of an unknown DAIV.
* Each citizen may earn this reward only once.
** These achievements may be worth more XP points depending on the situation.
Mission Achievements
1 XP Point
- Make a pun about your current situation straight into KM-807.
4 XP Points
- Make a pun-free comment about your current situation straight into KM-807.
11 XP Points
- Make an actually funny joke about your current situation straight into KM-807.
43 XP Points
- Break something belonging to the Computer
101 XP Points
- Gain a treason star.
212 XP Points
- Die.
499 XP Points
- Have five simultaneous treason stars.