Dice Friends - Outlaws of Procyon
From LoadingReadyWiki
Jump to navigationJump to searchDuring October 2023 LRR did a week long Suba-thon to celebrate their 20th anniversary. Dale, Ian, Cori, Jacob, and Kathleen took that time to play a TTRPG one shot.
Vital Statistics
Date: December 24, 2023
Category: Dice Friends
Campaign: Outlaws of Procyon
Game Master: Dale Friesen
Players: Ian Horner as Sven "Geraldo Böring" Less, Coriander Dickinson as Oonaloona Krancis, Jacob Burgess as Jimmy "Peanut Butter" Stieber, Kathleen De Vere as Ixmolluxnixa LXXIII "Molly"
System: Scum and Villainy
Runtime: 04:16:48