Dice Friends - Farmer McFarmson's Farm: Episode 6
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Jump to navigationJump to searchIt’s Farm Prom! The PCs need to chaperone a bunch of youths to make sure that they don’t damage the facilities or sneak off into the night.
Bonus: The Beach Episode
The local bullies are dominating both the Battle of the Bands as well as the local beach volleyball scene, so the players have their choice of how to knock them down a peg.
Vital Statistics
Date: May 13, 2020
Category: Dice Friends
Campaign: Farmer McFarmson's Farm
Game Master: Dale Friesen
Players: Kathleen De Vere as Verity Mouse, Serge Yager as Trilby Turkey, Andrew Cownden as Swinebeck Pig
System: TOON
Runtime: 01:29:30