Dice Friends — Escape from Semolo Plateau Ep10
Vital Statistics
Date: March 20, 2018
Category: Dice Friends
Campaign: Escape from Semolo Plateau
Game Master: Dale Friesen
Players: Kathleen De Vere as Morra, Graham Stark as Snak, Paul Saunders as Dande, Brendan "Beej" Dery as Bontan
System: Dungeons & Dragons 5e
Runtime: 2:38:24
It's the final session of Escape from the Semolo Plateau campaign. Will our adventurers survive all the way to the end?
Plot Summary
Bebo immediately turns invisible and orders his previously unseen demon cohorts to attack the party. They are defeated but Bebo gets away and the party can’t track him down. After exhausting their other options, they decide to use an item they found in the dwarven settlement that allows them to summon a Zimoc demon. They bargain with the demon and he agrees to tell them where Bebo is, then vanishes.
The party goes to confront Bebo in his secret base and manage to beat up all of his remaining demons, and almost kill Bebo. He starts to negotiate and offers the party jobs helping him grow the semolo ferns and undercutting the plateau on their poison sales. He really desperately does not want to die, but Snak decides enough is enough and puts him out of their misery. As the party tries to decide what to do next, a green dragon suddenly flies in. Malshaxa is angry with the party for killing Bebo, who turned out to be her servant, but she graciously accepts their employment in his stead and commands them to go find her favorite delicacy: fresh T-Rex eyeballs.