Crapshots Ep.392 - The Door

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This video has no page on, but is hosted elsewhere. It can be found at this link here.


Not to be confused with Crapshots Ep.489, also titled "The Door" or the commodoreHUSTLE episode CommodoreHUSTLE 057 - The Door.

Vital Statistics

Crapshots Ep.392 - The Door.jpg

Date: October 28, 2016

Appearing: Graham Stark (voice), Cameron Lauder (voice), Brendan "Beej" Dery (voice), Ian Horner (voice)


I wouldn't open that if I were you.


  • This episode is the beginning of the Heroquest series.
  • At time of writing, it has not been uploaded to the LoadingReadyRun video archive. The link below is to the LRR Youtube channel.

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◀ ●∙∙∙ Crapshots Ep.391 - The Ouija Board 2      Crapshots Ep.393 - The Ouija Board 3 ∙∙∙● ▶

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