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The video page on links to a video formerly hosted on Blip, but the video can be found here.

Finally a Summer Camp that leaves a lasting impression.

Vital Statistics


Date: May 19, 2006

Category: Shorts

Appearing: Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, James Turner, Kate Stark, Matt Wiggins

Writing: Graham Stark, Paul Saunders

Camera: Paul Saunders, Morgan vanHumbeck

Edited by: Graham Stark

Location: Cattle Point, Graham's Parents' House (Room Under Renovation)


Tired of summer camps that only leave your children with macaroni pictures and a terrible sunburn? At Camp Crush Your Dreams, they can learn valuable life lessons while having fun! CCYD - It's as much fun as grownups have!


  • James' character mentions that he wants to be a firefighter, a reference to Pimp My Chair.
  • The empty room is Graham's parents bedroom under renovation. With this video, LoadingReadyRun has shot in every room of Graham's parents house.
  • There is no intro on the Youtube version.
  • This video lost to The Professor's Funhouse in the semifinals of Bracket 1 of the 20th Anniversary Sketch Bracket.
Season Three     Shorts

◀ ●∙∙∙Underpantaloons     Nuntastic ∙∙∙● ▶
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LRRcast: May 19 2006 LRRcast