Beyond Infinity
From LoadingReadyWiki
Jump to navigationJump to searchAhh, the delightful nuggets of ridiculousness that come from court filing papers.
Vital Statistics
Date: May 28, 2012
Written and Performed by: Graham Stark, Kathleen De Vere, Paul Saunders
Story Graphics: Paul Saunders
CheckPoint Graphics: Graham Stark
Boom!: Kate Stark
Music: Bradley Rains
Produced by: Graham Stark, Paul Saunders
The Activision/Infinity Ward case is ridiculous. Find out why on today's CheckPoint.
- The new Kinect can see you when you are sitting.
- Epic Games is suing Silicon Knights for $1.
- Trion Worlds and Syfy collaborate in production on Defiance an MMO that will affect the TV Series of the same name.
- The new patch for Street Fighter X Tekken crashes the game.
- Infinity Blades II gets DLC that include social media integration.
- The Activision/Infinity ward lawsuit continues... and so does the hilarity.
Coming Up
4.7 million players tried to connect to Diablo 3 on Launch. PC gaming is sure dead.
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