AskLRR January 2020 - Backyard Wrestling
The sixth episode of AskLRR (YouTube Membership Exclusive).
Vital Statistics
Date: January 31, 2020
Category: AskLRR
Appearing: Alex Steacy, Graham Stark, Adam Savidan
Board by: James Turner
Produced by: Heather Dery
Description: Graham, Alex, and Adam talk about the first time they watched wrestling, the first video games they ever played, and memes.
Best Meme
Bryan Appley asks: Dear Adam, Alex and Graham, what is the best meme?
- Alex: CATS
- Graham: "Send Tweet"
- Adam: "Is this X?"
Earliest Memory of Wrestling
Eivind Hillesund asks: Dear doctors: What is your earliest memory of watching wrestling.
- Alex: A bought PPV in high school?
- Graham: High school watching Wrestlmania 20
- Adam: Wrestlemania 5
First videogame
Drummi asks: What is the first videogame you remember playing as a kid?
- Alex: Karateka.
- Graham: Super Mario Bros.
- Adam: River Raid or Adventure.
Favorite PAX
Harold Price asks: Between the three of you, I believe you have been to all 5 PAXes. What is your personal favorite - both the con itself and the city?
- Alex: Prime/West.
- Graham: Australia.
- Adam: East.
Lessons from Watch+Play
The Antimuffin asks: Alex and Graham: you've seen every kind of awful video game there is. If you could outlaw one game design decision/mistake permanently, which one would you pick? And if you could make one design decision mandatory, what would it be?
- Alex: Out: 3D platforming. In: Accessibility features.
- Graham: Out: Item degradation. In: Accessibility features.
- Adam: Out: The illusion of choice. In: Loot based by color values.
LoadingReadyLIVE flythrough
nooDy093 asks: I really like everything about the 'moonbase fly-over' at the beginning for LoadingReadyLive and it's so good (correct me if I'm wrong) you never changed that formula since episode 1 and I find that particularly impressive. What was the process behind coming up with that particular bit? Did you ever consider other ways to start the show (not including the addition of cH)?
- Graham: We were going to stop doing the LRRCast and there was a discussion we were talking about replacing it with a live thing. Everyone other than me was on the same page that it was just going to be a live podcast. For whatever reason I had completely misinterpreted the discussion as a variety show. So I went away to think about what it should look like. THen we have a meeting and I said "I think it would look like this" and laid out the basic structure that we started with for Live. I don't remember who's idea it was to do the flythrough, but I know I definitely like the idea of having signs around the moonbase for the different segments of the show.
Expectations, surprise, sadness, joy and dreams
Aldunis asks: Did any of you ever expect LRR to become what it is today? What has surprised you the most, saddened you the most, and brought you the most joy on this journey? What are your wildest dreams for LRR moving forward?
- Alex: Joy: Road Quest.
- Graham: Expected: No. Saddened: Not getting in on the ground floor of YouTube. Dreams: Larger audience so we can pay the people who work here more so they can work here more.
- Adam: Expected: No. Joy: Having the opportunity to work with everyone.
Favorite Road Quest moment
Melinda Phantom asks: Favorite Road Quest moment?
- Graham: The view from the Top of the World Highway.
- Adam: "Have you seen a car in the last 5 minutes?" or Hangman. Hell Road.
Worst enjoyed game
EikoandMog asks: To the whole crew but primarily Alex: What's the worst game you actually enjoyed playing?
- Alex: Blood and Bacon. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
- Graham: The Division.
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