An Interview with Uwe Boll

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This video page on LoadingReadyRun links to a video formerly hosted on Blip. The video has not been officially reposted to an alternate host, and is currently unavailable on primary hosts.

Like "Interview with a Vampire" but without Brad Pitt. NOTE: This is long but very interesting. We will return to our regularly scheduled sillyness next week

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An Interview with Uwe Boll

Date: May 26, 2008

Category: Other

Appearing: Graham Stark, Uwe Boll

Camera: Kathleen De Vere

Edited by: Graham Stark

Thanks: Cherisse Dye

Location: Vancouver


Graham interviews Uwe Boll. No, it's not a skit - it's really Uwe Boll. Boll talks about the movie industry and his movies and to the surprise of many does not come across as a raving lunatic.


Season Five     Other

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LRRcast: May 29 2008 LRRcast