A Few Good Gamers

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LG brings motion control to television, and America's Army becomes the front line of video game recruitment technology.

Vital Statistics

A Few Good Gamers

Airdate: January 13, 2010

Accent Word: Rampant

Job Description: Resistance Fighters

Written, Performed and Photoshopped by: Kathleen De Vere, Jeremy Petter, Paul Saunders, Graham StarkKathleen De Vere, Jeremy Petter, Paul Saunders, Graham StarkKathleen De Vere, Jeremy Petter, Paul Saunders, Graham Stark

Appearing: Morgan vanHumbeck, Tally Heilke


  • GameStop's 2009 holiday sales remain steady from previous year for the first time
  • EA to shut down servers for older games
  • Target offering 'video game set-up' service
  • LG reveals motion-controller TV remote
  • FFXIII to be the last 'traditional JRPG' in the series

Feature Story

A Few Good Gamers - The United States Army is expanding their use of video games as recruitment tools. While this technique is super effective, critics worry that it leaves recruits under-qualified.


  • At the time, this was the only ENN episode featuring a stinger; in this case, an out-take from Jer's final line.
  • This is the first appearance of Col. Hank Jetson.
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