October 3 2007 LRRcast
Podcasty Goodness. I really don't know what to put here anymore :|
Vital Statistics
Featured Video: The Divorce
Date: October 3, 2007
LRRcasters: Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Jeremy Petter, Morgan vanHumbeck, Matt Wiggins, James Turner, Ben Wilkinson
Runtime: 48:01
Let's talk about how AWESOME Ash is for at least 15 minutes.
What We're Playing Now
Graham: Halo 3
Matt: Halo 3(only one to have finished it)
Paul: finished Final Fantasy X, Bioshock
James: Halo 3
Jer: Jeanne d'Arc, MGS: Portable Ops
Ben: Metroid prime 3
Sable won with: "Watching the intro of Halo 5" and wins the rank that hasn't been though of yet
This week's challenge: Doesn't exist.
◀ ●∙∙∙ September 26th, 2007: Halo: The Future of Gaming October 10th, 2007: Bump in the Night ∙∙∙● ▶ |