G&K In Japan - Day 7: Through the Alps to Takayama

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Episode Title Card


Date: July 13, 2016
Category: Bonus
Category Episode No: {{{catEpNo}}}
Season No: {{{seasonNo}}}
Episode No: {{{epNo}}}
Title: G&K In Japan - Day 7: Through the Alps to Takayama
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYxDy27dZS8
LoadingReadyRun Page: http://loadingreadyrun.com/videos/view/2705/GK-In-Japan-Day-7-Through-the-Alps-to-Takayama
Express Episode Link: {{{expressLink}}}
Short Description: After a visit to Gifu Castle, Graham & Kathleen make their way to Takayama, a town in the Japanese alps.
Appearing: Graham Stark, Kathleen De Vere
Games Played:
Graphics Design:
Edited By: Graham Stark
Produced By:
Thanks To:
Episode Notes:

Bonus Videos     G&K In Japan
◀ ●∙∙∙ G&K In Japan - Day 6: Cormorant Fishing by Firelight     The Dumbest Camera Rig ∙∙∙● ▶
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