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This video is offline. Some early videos have been taken down for using copyrighted music or were removed for hosting issues. Others have come down because the host had ceased operations and the video was not reposted to an alternate host.

We are just stealing stuff from Jackass

Vital Statistics


Date: January 7, 2005

Category: Bonus

Appearing: Morgan vanHumbeck, James Turner, Graham Stark, Ben Wilkinson, Bill Watt

Camera: Graham Stark

Edited by: Graham Stark

Location: Pat's place


Flour is thrown at Morgan. It gets his eyes and hair. Morgan fights back with a bamboo stick.


  • This was the result of watching a bit to much Jackass.
  • The profanity Morgan uses prevented the video from being shown on the site. Even this version was heavily edited.
  • Morgan does make lewd comments about James' sister all the time.
  • This video was included as bonus content on the Season 1 DVD release.
Bonus Videos     Sheer Stupidity
◀ ●∙∙∙ Prince George Funtimes     Danny Zuko ∙∙∙● ▶