February 28 2009 LRRcast
Now with new audio equipment!
Vital Statistics
Featured Video: Fun with Microwaves 2
Date: February 28, 2009
LRRcasters: Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Raymond Steacy, Matt Wiggins, Tim Sevenhuysen, Bill Watt
Runtime: 1:06:25
Microwaving, Scott Bakula, Achievements and Online Poker are discussed.
Bill's thoughts on The Rock annoy everyone during a Pro Wrestling discussion.
What We're Playing Now
Graham: Fallout 3 - Beat Evil Character
Raymond: TF2 - Enjoys flaming new Scouts
Paul: Still Okami
Matt: WOW, a few minutes of COD4
Tim: Tertis(on iPod Touch), Online Poker
Wrestling, Comedian Deaths, Indiana Jones 4, James Bond Books, Small New Government, Longest gone without the Internet, Dane Cook vs. Carlos Mencia for a Fiery Death.
- Runner's Dress-Up Winner is announced - ecocd.
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