Ways to Clean Your House
Whether it be due to a party, or sheer laziness, you'll have to deal with the mess eventually.
Vital Statistics
Date: April 25, 2011
Category: X ways to Y
Appearing: James Turner, Paul Saunders, Alex Steacy, Kathleen De Vere, Graham Stark, Annika
Writing: James Turner, Paul Saunders and Everyone Else
Camera: Graham Stark, Kathleen De Vere
Edited by: Graham Stark
To clean your house, you can: put trash in the closet, blindfold the house guests, make a chain gang do it, use a cat broom, rig a fly gallery, sweep it under the rug, use a command line, embrace the mess, hold a budget space launch, prevent the mess, buy a new house, summon a wizard, Katamari Damacy, redefine the norm, spy game, cleanse it with fire, and the Sam Raimi (unlabeled).
- In this video, James is living in Graham and Kathleen's place and Graham and Kathleen are living in James' place.
- As pointed out in the LRRcast for this video, this is the second video in a row to involve a wizard.
- "Katamari Damacy" might have actually worked if James had started by trying to pick up objects smaller than the ball itself.
- Kathleen's cat Annika was used as the cat broom, and thanks to the cat's extreme apathy the crew was able to get the shot in only one take.
Season Eight X ways to Y ◀ ●∙∙∙CommodoreHUSTLE 020 - Cash Cats Bright Ideas ∙∙∙● ▶