Tigers, Cookies and Snakes
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Date: April 24, 2013
Category: Feed Dump
Host: Kathleen De Vere
Cohosts: Paul Saunders, Matt Wiggins
Edited by: Kathleen De Vere
- News Word of the Week: Pew Pews!
- Paul and Matt have to Figure Out what Kathleen is Talking About
- A woman in Selena, Kansas had a close scare when she ran into what in the bathroom?
- A tiger
- The manager of an Austrian hotel had a very bad weekend after he became trapped in an elevator for four days.
- Police in White Rock made a bust for pot cookies, and discovered eight thousand of them.
- Vietnamese police were pretty shocked when they pulled over a driver and found out he was smuggling fifty-three king cobras in his car.
I I ◀ ●∙∙∙ The Good Judge, Duck and Puma The Cray Scale ∙∙∙● ▶ Watch Tigers, Cookies and Snakes Discuss Tigers, Cookies and Snakes Read Tigers, Cookies and Snakes Transcript |