The Desert Bus Rap
Hey all you cool dudes and dudettes, check out this tubular new track from the Desert Bus Crew. It's the hippest new jam of the fall.
Vital Statistics
Date: November 25, 2013
Category: Music
Appearing: The Organizers and Volunteers of Desert Bus for Hope 7;
Graham Stark, Ian Horner, Johnny Blakeborough, James Turner, Jeremy Petter, Tally Heilke, Ashton Cummings, Alex Steacy, Andrew Cownden, Andrew Ferguson, Kathleen De Vere, Matt Wiggins, Paul Saunders, Dix, Kate Stark, Felix Kramer, Mia Sternberg, Mike Whitaker, Cameron Lauder, Thomas Ourada, Blake, Coriander Dickinson, Liz Smith, Brendan "Beej" Dery, Ash Vickers, Dan Wu, Andre Van Slyke, Brent Stewart, Brendan Baker, Ian Jacek, Pika, Jess Bell, Ashley Allman, Serge Yager, Sarah Mendiola, Harry the Creepy Doll
Writing: Graham Stark with Ian Horner, Andrew Cownden
Camera: Graham Stark, James Turner
Edited by: Graham Stark
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