September 26 2007 LRRcast

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We talk about that video, about that video game a couple people are talking about.

Vital Statistics

Featured Video: Halo: The Future of Gaming

Date: September 26, 2007

LRRcasters: Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Jeremy Petter, Morgan vanHumbeck, Adam Savidan, James Turner, Ben Wilkinson

Runtime: 53:00


Too much pressure to record the podcast, might as well not.

What We're Playing Now

Both James and Graham wish to play Eternal Sonata

Graham: Halo 3

Jer: Halo 3

Morgan: Dota with JesterJ, Sladar domination

Paul: Final Fantasy X, Bioshock

Ben: Gondar

James: Halo 3


September 26 2007 AskLRR


Fumbles won with: "Work ethic left with the dutch" and wins a rank that hasn't been though of yet

this weeks challange: Where we you when Master chief armed his grenade?


Lrrcast classic.gif I

◀ ●∙∙∙ September 20th, 2007: Pull Yourself Together   October 3rd, 2007: The Divorce ∙∙∙● ▶
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