Sales Success a la Meteor Transcript

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Transcript for Sales Success a la Meteor


TEXT: BOB IN: Sales Success a la Meteor

{Interior - room. Paul is standing and reading a book. After a moment, the door opens, and Bob (Graham) jogs through, excited}

BOB: Okay! Okay, okay, okay. I found the thing that's going to make us billionaires.

{Paul closes his book and faces Bob}

PAUL: {interested} Great, what?

BOB: It's a meteor repllant. {proudly holds up a small toy} That's right, I got a hundred thousand of these from a local toy wholesaler, and because of the new global threat of, uh, giant meteors, I've already sold ten thousand units to the special U.N "meteor deflection task force".

PAUL: Awesome. So, how does it deflect meteors?

BOB: {long pause} ...pardon?

PAUL: does it work?

BOB: It's a... little... foam pint of beer.

PAUL: {rapidly losing faith} Well, yeah but what does it do?

BOB: {another pause} ...when I squeeze it, it makes a squeaky noise. {He squeezes it, it does indeed make a squeaky noise.}

{After a pause, Paul takes the toy, and throws it at Bob's head. It squeaks again as it bounces off. Disappointed, Paul leaves.}