Mexican Sex, Dolphins & Nudists

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Mexico: Sandy beaches, nice weather, acceptance of sex scandals.

Vital Statistics

"Oh! You're awake! OK..."

Date: September 14, 2011

Category: Feed Dump

Host: Graham Stark

Cohosts: Andrew Cownden, Jeremy Petter

Edited by: Graham Stark


  • News Word of the Week: Confused?
  • 57% of Mexicans are likely or somewhat likely to tolerate sexual indiscretions of stars and politicians.
  • The captain of Italy's national swim team lost an exhibition race against two dolphins.
  • South Carolina transit officials are moving a bus stop after parents complained that their kids had to wait for the bus in a strip club parking lot.
  • Andy and Jer have to figure out what Graham is talking about.
    • They changed the names this time.
    • San Francisco is cracking down on public nudity because "there are nudists who are not doing what they should."
    • What was the name of the supervisor of the department cracking down on this?
  • A Florida woman has been charged with battery after claiming to be a vampire and biting a man in a wheelchair in the face.


  • This is the first episode to include Andy.


The Hatistics for this episode are varied, and many popular categories took a downturn.

Shots with Hats: 13.46%.

Shots with Wigs: 3.85%.

Shots with Prescription Eyewear: 0.00%.

Shots with Other Eyewear: 0.00%.

Shots with Hatless: 84.62%.

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◀ ●∙∙∙ Two-Foot Earspan       Toe Suckin' and Cat Screamin' ∙∙∙● ▶

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