Friday Nights: Grand Prix Calgary
The LoadingReadyRun arrive at Grand Prix Calgary ready to enjoy their weekend at the event. James gets caught in a compromising position. Kathleen and Cam find themselves facing off at the worst possible time.
Vital Statistics
Date: August 15, 2013
Category: Friday Nights
Appearing: Kathleen De Vere, Cameron Lauder, Jeremy Petter, Paul Saunders, Graham Stark, Alex Steacy, James Turner
With: Gavin Duggan, Kim Warren, Kenji Egashira, Dave Morris, Nelson Salahub
And: Paris Demers, Brittany Clarke, Rob Alexander (uncredited)
Writing: LoadingReadyRun
Camera: Graham Stark, James Turner, Kathleen De Vere
Boom Wielder: Cameron Lauder, Kathleen De Vere
Music: Bradley Rains
Edited by: Graham Stark, Kathleen De Vere
Thanks To: Trick Jarrett, Greg Collins, Jason Ness, Alexander Hayne, Chris Lansdell, Sentry Box, All the judges and staff