Desert Power

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This video page on LoadingReadyRun links to a video formerly hosted on the Escapist. The video has not been officially reposted to an alternate host, and is currently unavailable on primary hosts.

In case you needed a quick recap of this year's Desert Bus.

Vital Statistics


Date: November 26, 2012

Category: Music

Performed by: Graham Stark, Ian Horner

Sound Engineering: Ian Horner

Original Song: Power - Kayne West

Writing: Graham Stark with Ian Horner, Kroze, Dix and the DB Chat

Appearing: James Turner, Kathleen De Vere, Graham Stark, Paul Saunders, Tally Heilke, Cameron Lauder, Alex Steacy, Matt Wiggins, Ashton Cummings, Ian Horner, Johnny Blakeborough, Andre Van Slyke, Brendan "Beej" Dery, Heather Dery, Jess Bell, Ashley Allman, Kelly Clark, Andrew Cownden, Pika, Liz Smith, Fugiman, Ian Jacek, Brent Stewart, Serge Yager, Cori Dickinson, Kate Stark, Andrew Ferguson with Harry the Creepy Doll

Edited by: Graham Stark


The video is a parody of Kanye West's music video for his song "Power" about Desert Bus 6.


Season Nine     Music

◀ ●∙∙∙Rapidfire 3: Episode 3     Rapidfire 3: Episode 4 ∙∙∙● ▶
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