Annette: Internet Receptionist
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Vital Statistics
Date: September 19, 2011
Category: Shorts
Appearing: Kathleen De Vere, Andrew Cownden
Writing: Andrew Cownden, Paul Saunders
Concept: Andrew Cownden
Camera: Graham Stark
Boom: Paul Saunders
Edited by: Graham Stark
You have reached the internet, how may I direct your call? To that? No, anything but that!
- One of the videos described is Graham's "Nunchuck Fail" as seen in CommodoreHUSTLE 006 - Viral and CommodoreHUSTLE 007 - Fallout.
- Spot the Dog appears on Andy's side of the desk.
Season Eight Shorts ◀ ●∙∙∙Whole Story - Fire Hydrants Duty Calls ∙∙∙● ▶